Lots to lose ! Anyone else got lots to lose!

Mazie6 said:
:flowers:Wow Amanda-very very impressive!!!!!
dying to hear how the choc cake goes

I'm usually a sucker for a whole rack of BBQ ribs, but I went for rump steak, gammon steak and a jacket without butter.

I will definitely let you know how the cake goes. If it works out ok I could be making lots.
Mazie6 said:
:happy096:might have to try it myself my downfall has always been my sweet tooth:character00238:

I am a confessed chocoholic, so if this works out I will be so happy. It says 4 servings but I will see how big it really is and might divide into 8, so I can spread the chocolate through the day. Lol
Hi there, i am with a slimming world group and i am seeing alot of the other members losing more weight than i am! i have been really good but i just dont know what i am doing wrong :( i had a really good first week but the last 2 weeks i have only lost 1.5lb each week. is there anybody that could please give me some advice? x
Believe me I am no expert having a similar amount to lose
dont forgot the initial water loss and never ever compare yourself to anyone else we are all different.very very hard to do ,we all do it and are impatient:break_diet::hide::grouphugg:
Fell off the wagon big time, I'm fed up of being this huge person, what I see in the mirror disgusts me. My weight loss since Xmas is a pathetic 8lb. It should come off easier than that surely?? My solution yesterday was to eat everything I could get my hands on. Off to the scales to check the damage :'-)
Me' too bellybegone , screwed up big time yesterday and ended up topping it all off wit chips and chicken burger from chipper's!! So I may go for a walk today and try to stop the damage today!!! Don't be driven urself crazy and weighing urself today, wait until ur weigh in day!! Coz I know if I stood on the scales now it was piss me' off desperately and I'd defo start binging again today!!!!
Hiya everyone

Can I join you, I have a 'lot to loose'.......

Been messing about with diets for years and lately I always end up back on slimming world. Tried them all I think!!

I just need to get it in my head that it isn't going to happen overnight and I need to put the effort in. Going away in 6 weeks and wanted to do cambridge to shift a lot but I just cant do it. I need to realise it is not an option for me...

So back to class next tuesday to face the music but starting today on plan again.

Post later and hope you all have a good diet day x x
Evening didnt end so well, I finished the day being 10 syns over. Not happy, I let myself down, but I really wanted some chocolate. Wouldn't mind so much if I hadn't messed up Thursday too. Will just have to start fresh today, and stick to it. And make sure I stick to it tomorrow too.
Hi all, sorry I haven't been on for a couple of weeks, just been in a really bad place emotionally lately but I'm on the up now. Had a 1.5lb gain last week but went this Thursday to WI and it was 3.5lb off :bliss:really happy with that. My brother and sister-in-law who are also doing slimming world have been coming round and encouraging me to go out with them for walks so that's really helped. Welcome to the newbies hope you find this site a help and encouragement with your journey. Glad to be back. :D:D:D
Try not to be too disheartened,our bodies do strange things, last week i stuck to plan and gained 1lb.
All we can do is stick with it and the weight will come off. Like you i have had bad weeks and either sts or lost 1/2lb, it makes no sense.
Good luck
I have just made the squidgey chocolate cake, I will let you know how it tastes later.
Can I join you please?? I also have a lot to lose - trying hard not to focus on the amount, and taking it step by step - think I am more concerned with dress sizes - currently 22-24 and would be happy with a 16 as my target - then see what happens!
