Hi Girlie, just having a catch up on your blog after being MIA for a couple of weeks! your doing really well, dont be put off by a 1lb loss, slowly but surely remember! also, if your gymming it, the likelyhood is you might not be loosing weight but you will be toning up and loosing inches!so keep going!
I feel for you sofa wise, were having a similar dilemma atm too, our got in the new house but is too big for the room, so now the boyf wants to sell it (we payed £1000 for it from DFS only about a year or so ago) and replace it with a cheap second hand one....i am not pleased, but its silly little things like that that do bother you and make you grumpy!!
hope you have had a good weekend, looking forward to hear about your WI!!
Hayles x