who had pancakes?
we didwith lemon and sugar. we only have a tiny frying pan so had 3 small ones after tea. was really nice. yummmm.
Meeeeeee lol! I had mine with all manner of naughtiness tho lol! It's only one day out of the year tho
who had pancakes?
we didwith lemon and sugar. we only have a tiny frying pan so had 3 small ones after tea. was really nice. yummmm.
who had pancakes?
we didwith lemon and sugar. we only have a tiny frying pan so had 3 small ones after tea. was really nice. yummmm.
hi all
im still alive - just!
been a bit under the weather lately so havent been around as much. feeling a bit better now, although its TOTM. had some pringles yesterday - they werent as good as i remember them!!
its val day today - we have no car and no food in so our romantic meal will be something involving kidney beans and perhaps some cabbage! LOL. I'll rustle something up
If you're anything like my mum you'll be able to make something out of nothing x
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Glad you're feeling a bit more chipper! Good luck for tomorrow. 4 stone off draws very very close
Very very close! But I'm weighing on sats now. I won't have a good loss this week, TOTM always gives me some sort of gain so what I lose gets cancelled outx
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It's certainly a curse in more ways than one - especially for me who never wanted kids - 30 years of it for no reason!!!! Grrrrr. Does that mean the week after though you get a bumper loss? Oooo that'd be great
It varies from month to month. Also depends on how much I've eaten or drank.
I crave carbs during TOTM so that's prob what leads to gains.
I lost 3 lb this week! I'm quite surprised! Not site of my total, I had a few ups and downs lately and my heads been out of the game
Going to push myself hard this week and get my mind back in the diet frame.
Happy Saturday allxx
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It varies from month to month. Also depends on how much I've eaten or drank.
I crave carbs during TOTM so that's prob what leads to gains.
I lost 3 lb this week! I'm quite surprised! Not site of my total, I had a few ups and downs lately and my heads been out of the game
Going to push myself hard this week and get my mind back in the diet frame.
Happy Saturday allxx
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I don't know what's going on with my weight. It's been up and down, following my moods most prob!
I've been snacking more coz I've been down about stuff. I really have got to pull it back in :/
I took my son out for lunch today as he's going on a school trip tomorrow for 3 days and he's all nervous. Wanted some quality time so we went to solva which if you google, you'll find is a lovely little village by the sea. We had a walk and dinner in the pub. While everyone around us was shovelling down carvery lunches, we opted for a more subdued ham egg and chips without the egg. And I had extra salad. It was really nice and I took a pic to prove my reasonably healthy choice
<img src="http://www.minimins.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=79748"/>
Duncan had sticky toffee pudding and hot choc and I had a glass of water!
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I've had a good couple of days. Need to increase my water intake so will be doing that today. It's really hard when its so cold but I'm gonna give it a shot.
Doing chicken cacciatorre for tea with gf pasta.
Note to lou : NO EATING AFTER 6:30!!
how's everyone getting on? Sorry I've not been on your individual diaries, I haven't even been on mine! Xx
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