Awww Kat, I totally know the feeling, all I can say is ditto to everything you said. I think our overall confidence is at an all time low, we feel so crap about ourselves and although the diet makes us feel in control when we are on it, as soon as there is any kind of 'blip' that horrible feeling of dread soon returns, thinking we have a humongous mountain to climb and thinking will we ever get to the top!! But we will! The way I see it if we did the diet for 340 days out of 365 days in the year, we'd still lose the weight, blip or not this bloomin weight is coming off!! Not that I want to be doing the diet for a year lol but you get my drift! Yeah the diet is a 100% diet but the main thing is, we are on it and we aren't giving up!
I feel like utter crap this morning, typical food hangover feeling, tummy ache, strange dry tongue, bad breath (no not ketosis I know!) just my body's way of reacting to the junk I are last night, I've woken up feeling sluggish not full of energy and ready to face the day like yesterday, this is a totally different feeling and now the worst bit, I'm obsessing over the scales! Yesterday after all the bingeing, I weighed myself before bed....who asked me to do that?!?!!!!!! I was 3 lbs heavier than my weigh in that morning!!!!!! If at least some of that isn't gone by the time I step on the scales this morning I'm literally going to feel like crap all day!!!! Aaarrrggghhhh!!!
Plus side, today's going to be exceptionally busy so I'm going to pack a bar in my bag, some water and get back to business!!
Morning ladies lol, have a great day xx