i agree have something carb free and then you wont hate yourself lol, and to be honest it will still make you feel good. i had a bit of salmon and some brocolli last night and it was so filling even though it was a tiny bit, i know it was slightly cheating but i am happy to write it off as it was carb free. im not going to beat myself up about carb free slips or i will keep doing it. today i have had my first shake really late, at 12, I find it easier to hold on longer in the mornings than in the evenings when the family is around. at least then tonight if i feel like it i can have my last two really close together.
the crazy thing is im not physically hungry at all, its just all i can think about is food, but then i guess thats why i am fat in the first place!
i think for me. i need to stop viewing food as some kind of treat, its nourishment thats all, treats are things like nice clothes and holidays and nights out and things like that - if i can get to a place where I dont see food as a reward for hard work then maybe i will be ok.