I know! Was a busy one today but that's how I like it, no time for getting bored and stuffing me gob! Lol had a bit of change tonight because I usually don't really have shakes but had a choc mint one hot and it was lovely, went down a treat! So now I'm all tucked up in bed.
Feel really proud of myself that I'm just getting on with things and it's getting sooo much easier to resist temptation, hope I've finally cracked it and can get a couple of stone off by my birthday in April, that would be wonderful lol gonna try my damdest
Full day tomorrow at college, just finished my assignment and I'm so proud of myself because it was a bloody hard task! I think I'm now realising that it's not just the weight that needs to change, I need to start believing in myself, I'm capable of so much more than I think! I know it prob sounds corny but I think somehow I've lost myself over the years and now I'm rediscovering the old me, my weight is literally holding me back and it's a horrible thing when you look into the mirror and literally hate what you see, it's sad really, life is too short to be putting my life on the pause button because as the saying goes, time waits for no man! Gosh I'm waffling on tonight ain't i!
Another day done n dusted and a lot easier today so I'm happy x