Fran!!!!!! Welcome back Hun!
Missed ya! How was it? I bet you're looking all tanned and gorgeous regardless of a lil gain lol
What have you missed?? Ummm well not much really, I'm still faffing about stopping n starting etc but my heart is in the right place I guess haha, did a coupla of good days and then had a Chinese last night???! Like....why?!?!!!! That's me all over tho, queen of sabotage.
Anyway new day, new rules, must not dwell! This week has been hard with kids off school, no time to get to the gym etc etc, realistically I think I'll get back into the groove properly when they are back and normal service resumes. I'm getting away with the girls in 9 weeks and I need to shift a good coupla stone in that time, but I need to stop peeing about and just start! Why is this so hard?
Anyway, catch up with you lovely lot later x