Silver Member
Morning ladies. I'm still here... I've been doing okay, having a couple if little cheats, I don't mean too, but yesterday I was desperate for a biccy so had two bourbons... And a bit of my kids tea as it smelt divine!!!! Sticking to ss is damn hard but I think, it may be getting slightly easier!!! Hopefully I won't ruin that statement now!!! I'm same as you Lou, desperate to stick to this for a few weeks, till August and really look and feel good... Betty, so sorry to hear your oh is back in hospital... We're all here for you to be honest too, hell I'm not sure you'd be normal if you didn't resort to some food in times like this... Hospitals and illness doesn't make for usual routines!!! You just need to do what you need to do!!! And we're here to listen if you wanna offload! ? Hope everyone has a wicked 100% day ?
Susan we can defo lose a good amount of weight before August if we keep at it! Even with a few cheats it's a lot better than what we was eating before! I think I've got to the point now where I think anything I lose is better than nothing, even if I'm a stone less by August then it's better than staying the same or putting on!