Lous diary - onwards and inwards!

Urrgh, why do people act so negatively towards this diet, I know it's extreme, but I've tried everything else, believe me if "eating less and exercising more" worked, I'd be doing it!! Meh x
Work Christmas party tomorrow.... Is mad... Have had a thing for guy in the office for months.. He's flirting back etc but now I've met James! Bad timing hey.

Also scared about coming off plan and drinking, deep breath x
Work Christmas party tomorrow.... Is mad... Have had a thing for guy in the office for months.. He's flirting back etc but now I've met James! Bad timing hey.

Also scared about coming off plan and drinking, deep breath x

Men are defo like buses!!

Have a fab time are your party ;-) x
I know... Have liked work guy for months, we flirt outrageously which the rest of the office have picked up on and won't stop making jokes about the two of us going home together. Trouble is.. I know I wouldn't want anything long term with him, it would be too complicated, plus I really like James.
Think I'm just going to get dressed up to the nines and show him what he's missed, I don't want to rush into things with James but I know he's the best option (just need to shut the flirty devil on my shoulder up) x
TEAM JAMES ALL THE WAY!! *waves a flag* Do you think office guy is stepping it up a notch cos he can sense you're getting into someone else?

I've got Xmas do tomorrow night too. What I did last week when I went out was have carbs in the morning (bread and crisps!) and at lunch (jacket potato) and by the time I started drinking it was alright. And I'm a total lightweight. I think you only need to have the lunchtime carbs really I was just really wanting to throw caution to the wind for the day!!

Already thinking I want watermelon for breakfast tomorrow to start coming out of ketosis, yum yum
Hehe, you make me laugh lou, love your flag waving! Good plan for tomorrow night, I'm so scared of normal food... I think I'm going to go....

1000 - shake
1300 - soup
1700 - 2 poached eggs on toast and some grilled cherry tomatoes (proper craving tomatoes)
1900 onwards - alternate diet coke and vodka diet cokes, hopefully max of... 6?

Saturday - hangover and STRAIGHT back on plan xxx
Mmmm yum!!

Eek, Xmas party night... Have eaten...

1030 bar
1400 soup and 2 crackers
1600 5 aero bubbles

Am so scared of food, I don't want it!!!!

Work guy has been flirting again today, he just smiles when others take the mick saying he's staying at mine tonight, waaaah.

James news... He had a visit round corner from my office so I snook out for a quick coffee with him, was nice but unexpected - therefore no make up etc, oh well xxx
Insomnia!!! Meh.

Fab night, got in at midnight ish, talked to James on phone for hours and fell asleep, been wide awake since 530 when I woke up with my earrings still in and contacts and a mouth like Sahara dessert!!


Ended up eating porridge as well last night, good job as I was battered after only 3 drinks.

Excited about getting back on plan today xxx
Morning bananas, it's rubbish isn't it, was soo wide awake for no reason.

Food today...

1030 oatmeal
1300 shake

Will update rest later x
Ditto.. I've just taken my oatmeal back to bed.

Right... I can't actually believe this, but I just weighed myself expecting a gain after yesterday (see food confession below) but scales are showing a 3lb loss?? It's probably dehydration from alcohol but eek!

Yesterday's none s&s food which I didn't enjoy at all, had to force myself..
- 5 aero bubbles
- 2 poached eggs on 2 toast
- oat so simple cinnamon porridge
- 8 vodkas (approx)
- walkers crisps
Maybe your metabolism got a wee shock ;)

Sad to hear you didn't enjoy your food tho :(

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I enjoyed the vodka if that counts, hehe. I know, I think it's psychological, I'm so in the zone at the moment and really didn't want to eat incase I got the taste for it again.