Ramble away! It's what we're here for. Glad to hear you had a good weekend diet wise and I hope the funeral goes well. I've fallen asleep at the wheel and was so freaked out after I vowed never to do it again - it is sooo dangerous!
Big hugs!
Yolande - great to hear that you're taking such a positive approach. It's a sobering thought that it can all be over in a second without any warning. Yes, the diet may seem like a small thing to some but, let's be honest, our health and happiness depends upon us losing weight and feeling good about ourselves. We can't live life to the max if we're carrying around an extra 5+ stones. As you say, you've only put yourself a couple of weeks behind - in another few weeks it will be insignificant. You have done brilliantly so far and you absolutely can do it. I'm so glad you're back - I missed reading your diary - when I am having a bad day it always cheers me up.
Ah massive hugs hun I was in tears reading your last post! It was obviously his time hun and he is needed for better things up there! Keep strong and I hope the funeral goes well for them!!!
Well done on getting back on the wagon u will be absolutely fine and if u have gained it will be off in no time!!!!
Yolande just read your sad news, so sorry to hear that. I think with my 30 yr old friend & my sister passing this year & your friend & step brother we have had far too much trauma. I've been off ss for a month but restart today. I think I've gained a stone but not going to find out, just back on track for 6 weeks before I step up to the higher steps & start trying for a baby. I have to hope that'll bring me some joy this year. Hope you're ok & don't worry about the weigh in x
Phooey about letting your consultant down! You have had an incredibly rough time and are coping the best way you know how!! And you know how to pick yourself up afterwards and get back on track to healthy living. You have let no-one down, least of all your CDC! My goodness - never forget that even if the CDCs are really, really nice and supportive, our goals are for ourselves and our lives and one of the goals is to get to a place where we won't need CDCs or CD because we will be at, and maintaining, a good and healthy weight!
OK - that came across as a bit of a rant. Sorry.But I see red when one of the strongest, positive, focused people on this forum beats herself up for being human. Cut that out!
And whatever the results of Wed's wi, you will know where you are and move on. And we will be here with you, cheering all the way - just like you cheer us on!
Yolande said:Ah Annie good to see you back here. Its been the worst couple of weeks ever really to much to deal with you are right far to much trauma =( This diet was honestly the furtherest thing on my mind i coped best i could and im going for a wi tomoz after 3 weeks and i have to just accept what the scales say cos i am 100% certain it aint gona be pretty ,strong feeling il be well back in the 15's again which sucks but cant change it its only a couple of weeks set back which is not the end of world.
How are you feeling tho hun?? Good luck getting back on it hope its easier for you than its been for me.. and i know its a few eeeks away till you start trying for a baby but i am really hoping and wishing it happens for you and you get some joy this year xx