Woop! Well done on the 3lb, Can't wait to come back in and see you've hit the 13's. Just scanned through the thread and your doing so well. Keep it up!!
Cartwheels!! Good luck with that - I was never able to do them without falling over. I'm treating myself to a pedicure just before heading to the US next weekend. And of course, to lobster and crabcakes and swimming, biking, sunbathing, etc. while I'm in the US.
Daisy - congratulations on your 3lb loss - that's great!!! Wow - good losses are starting to come in again, that's great! Pressure's on for my wi on Mon.
Yolande - congratulations - you stuck at it through the hard times and things are going your way again! You deserve it - you've been so determined and so positive. You must plan a treat for 13s - the 14s have been so hard for you. I've lost 3lbs this week which is a relief as I am going away next week and will be doing my 810 week then.
Yolande said:Im full of the flu =( Its my first time having a cold this year which is strange cos usually would have had it like 6 times by now.. shows how much healthier my immune system must be thanks to CD but im affraid i am really one of those people that does not do being sick very well i become like a super grump that no one wants to be around!!! aaaaahhhhhh =(
Hope everyone else has had a better weekend than me x