Yes - unfortunately holidays go by soooo very quickly! Hard to believe I was away 3.5 weeks! Already my tan is beginning to fade.....
My family and friends all thought I looked great, that I was inspirational to have lost so much weight and were very proud of me. Hopefully some are considering CD or another diet themselves. When someone you know who has been overweight for so long and who manages to lose a lot of weight AND say they're not done yet, just taking a vacation - well, apparently it gets people thinking that it might be possible for them to lose also! If some of my family & friends also take up the challenge and lose some weight I'll be chuffed - there are a few people I worry about as their health is not great.
Funny story tho' - the person I most wanted to surprise was my father. He picked me up at the airport and didn't seem to notice anything different (NOTE: my large suitcase weighed almost as much as I had lost and was a bear to pick up and throw into the trunk of the car!). We got back to the house and his wife was in the kitchen cooking. She looked up and said: "Wow, you look great!". Then after a minute or two she asked if I had lost weight. She said later that because it's such a sensitive topic, she wasn't sure she should ask/comment, but that it was so obvious! When I told her how much and about CD, she said to my dad: "Doesn't your daughter look great?! What do you think?" My dad looks at me and says: "New haircut?"

He really noticed the next day, when I came into a room and he mistook me, for a moment, for his wife. Then he said "Wow, you've really lost weight! You're so small!"

Later he told me he was proud of me.
It felt really good, and somewhat weird, not being the fatty in the family. Now I just have to start/complete phase 2 AND keep the weight off... little challenges...

Happily we all have these challenges and can support one another!