Lozzypop's Diary

oh kitten - never feel that your reasons aren't proper. Losing weight so you can live your early twenties to the utmost is an awesome reason. it will transform the life you would otherwise have had! and nipping weight issues in the bud so young will prevent you storing up decades of diet-related weirdness.

do this. do it for you, because you deserve it.
Same here! I'm 22 and I don't want to feel my weight is holding me back any more, I want look good and feel healthy!

Why not split you shakes/soups into 2 parts? I do it at work because I'm constantly surrounded my food and it does help :)
Yeah I think I might :) like yesterday for example I had one at like 8.30am and didn't have the next one til like 7..no wonder I was grumpy and upset :p

Well today is weigh in day so fingers crossed!
Also, thanks everyone, you've made me feel so much better :)
Good luck today! x
fingers crossed for you, bunny.
Thanks :D, I'm looking through pictures to put up a 'before' one. However, most of them seem to either be very very flattering or I'm dressed up...sure I'll find one in the realms of facebook :p
Lost 7lbs woo.

My CDC said that next week I probably won't get a weight loss or it'll be very small. Anyone else experienced similar?

She also said that I can start having a high protein thing like an egg or something if I want, like nights I've got dancing but I kinda feel like if I don't need it why have it? It might become easier to cheat if I'm eating certain things and that's the last thing I want.
Thanks, :D feeling so good that I don't mind sitting with my friends while they order take out AGAIN!

See how I got in this mess in the first place :p

Wish my CDC hadn't said about having an egg...now its all I can think about :(
Well after they all ordered take out, my friend fainted and messed up his head...six hours in A&E and 10stitches later I'd forgotten all about food. Only had two packs yesterday cause didn't really feel like making one up in A&E so feel a bit crappy today.

Has anyone ordered the bars? Do they make a big difference to the weight loss?

However, I am babysitting tonight so that's making me happy :)

Oh dear hope hes ok now!

I dont think the bars make a massive difference, the chewy bars are alot higher in carbs but the crunchy ones are about the same as shakes so if I get any its always crunchy. I'm not really fond of them though so I dont bother with them now, but everyones different!
They do make you very uhmmm gassy thou lol
Ahh I see - was just thinking for ease at uni but perhaps not :p
again - everyone's different - i don't find they affect my digestion as much as the liquid packs do.

my losses in week three after i introduced a bar a day were higher than they'd been in week one or two - so i'm pretty sure the 20 extra calories a day don't have much impact, and only the very carb sensitive would be pushed out of keto by them (otherwise cambridge wouldn't sell them).

Anyway - i really like them. They have been a source of actual food pleasure for the last 23 weeks. plus it's brilliant to eat solid food without having to damage the nutritional content of the packs by cooking them.
Thanks, simply for the ease at uni I may give them a try. :) xx
Stupid Snow.

Doesn't the weather know I'm ALREADY freezing never mind being up to my ankles in slush?!

Stupid Scotland.

:D xx
Photos :(

Technically cheating since these aren't starting photos, taken after week 1 so I'd already lost 15lbs

Ugh still I guess it'll be good to see the difference.

Boo depressed myself now. :(



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You look great already! Seriously these look like more like after photos lol
Especially the second picture, no belly to lose! :)