needs to change, I think ;(

Good for you :D I can't get into DVD's ... I love them the first or second time I do them - then I get bored. Will have to get back into my treadmill and bike!

They seem to be working really well for me this time round. Not sure why - maybe just got the right ones and I really enjoy them.

I actually miss not doing them. How sad is that.

I do give it my all when I'm doing it - no resting in the corner for me.. xx
You've convinced me, I'm dragging my corrie dvd out again!! Is it the girl from steps one that you talk about. I know she lost loads of weight. Thanks for rep x
Yes, the 5 Step Fat Attack - I reckon I should be on commission for the amount of times I have mentioned that DVD!

Today is a work day - so will be popping on and off Mini's throughout the day, so please keep me amused...otherwise I might have to slit my wrists with boredom !!

Feeling very stiff today - think it must have been the garden - need to do my warm-ups before I tackle my weeds next time.
LOL you even have me thinking about the Steps DVD so you should definatly get commission :D

Hope your day isn't too boring!

Feeling very stiff today - think it must have been the garden - need to do my warm-ups before I tackle my weeds next time.

LOL now theres a thought we could do a fitness DVD designed around the veg+flower beds!!:D
Hope you are having a good day and not too bored..
Hmm for me bored=eating!!xx
It would for me too but I am staying out of the kitchen - over in the office so can't nibble while I am busy.

Think I might stop in a bit anyway....and do my DVD of me a boost of energy mid-afternoon. It was good doing it at that time yesterday.

Need to go food shopping!
Hi Rosie

Are you bored with working or working making you bored

You really are into your dvd's I have fits and starts with them. Have fun shopping (I do bulk of mine online now and just go to get extra bits so much less stressful) x
Didn't do it in the end - and am bored with work - the stuff I am doing is not exactly setting the heather alight.

Will get onto my DVD later though - it really does stop me eating so much.
Did my "pump it up" dvd tonight - but missed out the learn to dance section - don't think it does much for me calorie wise...more to get your moves sorted for the dancing...but as an old fart, my dancing days are long gone :(

Having a lovely tea (and very low points)

Tofu/brocolli and peppers stir fried with garlic and chilli in a soy and roasted chilli sauce (3pts for loads)....result. xx
Hey Rosie, Hope you have a good Tuesday. 100% foodwise, Did a Tae Bo dvd yesterday, really enjoyed it only 30mins but you feel it the next day!
Doing well Rosie :) You'll hit your goal in no time if you carry on like this. That meal sounds like hell to me though, no offence :p Tofu, bleurgh!

Still weighing the same as last week - getting mighty miffed as body is clinging on to these pounds for dear life. Wondering if its because I am exercising and building muscle - although others who exercise seem to manage it!! Maybe I need to just eat less ;)

Off to play squash shortly with my OH. First time in 10yrs that I have felt fit enough to give him a run for his money - we'll see.

I think I am a good bit stronger now so should be able to hit the ball hard - and I can run a lot faster than I used to....I might actually get a point!!!

Will let you know on the beetroot scale how it compares to my DVDs - I am thinking its likely to be a :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:'er
Helllllllllllllllllllllllo! Blimey - feels like forever since I wrote in your diary missus....
I second you on the slow losses... I am finding 1/2lb here, 1lb there so annoying! Where have the days of 3 or 4 lbs gone eh? Blurgh!!

Which pump it up do you have? I have the 1st one I think?!? Have you seen the one with the fella taking it - OMG - I'd wanna lay him right out - irritating little x

I reckon you will see some losses soon.. sometimes I find a week hard exersise does nothing and a week on the sofa (within points) shows a loss, however they do interchange... it's all about shocking the system...

L x