Pregnant with Baby No 2!
How exciting!!!
Let us know!
awwww yay!!!!Team blue!!!!!
I know some say a girl and a boy is the perfect scenario but the relationship my husband has with our ds is just so wonderful and I can see another little boy just slotting into that so well! Lovely to see the little boy yesterday anyway, time is just flying by, before I know it I will be having my 19 week scan! Food wise...Not so good yesterday, just couldn't get satisfied and come evening our stir fry i'd been drooling over just wasn't the nicest so cheese and biscuits came out....Oh well! I don't have too many nights like that, i'm sure i'm aloud the occasional one - Just got to try and be good today instead!!!
Oh thanks princess!
I gained at least a stone by 20 weeks the first time around, Do you mind me asking if you think you've gained because of eating or just baby weight? I know the baby doesn't weigh that much by 20 weeks but there's the water and extra stuff isn't there!
With my daughter I don't think I started gaining until 20 weeks ish, but that was more because I lost weight in the 1st trimester and still had sickness/food aversions until 18-20 weeks lol! I put on 2st in total with her (that's going to 42 weeks)
With this one - no sickness, no food aversions and if anything my appetite has tripled!! I can't stop eating! lol x So when I was 20 weeks I think my 1 stone gain would have been because of the food lol! By 28 weeks I'd put on 2st 1lb, but I've managed to maintain that for the last few weeks so don't feel so bad about it. I've gained a bit this week as I've not stopped eating junk but back on the healthy eating now to try and start maintaining a 2st ish gain. Don't want to gain any more than 2st 7lbs in total. x
But yes, you do have to take into account weight of extra fluid, blood, placenta, baby (obviously), boobs, waters etc too!xx