Lucy's Atkins Diary :)

Aw Lucy!! Whenever you feel the urge to sabotage yourself, come on here and we will all tell you off!! Think of how well you have done so far, that's what keeps me going. When everything else is going wrong I find it helps to at least be in control of something ( eating)
Morning Lucy! :)
Morning all. It all went a little downhill again last night :(. Got to try and pick myself up again before it slides any more.
Thanks for the replies, I should have hung around on here a bit longer.
(((((((Lucy))))))) hun don't beat yourself up, hun, just put it down to experience, and focus back on eating great, healthy food xx
Hey Lucy - here's a hand back up. You can do it:)
Thanks Kat1e - I needed that! A good day today. The little voices did start up again tonight but I've managed to shout them down! My kneejerk reaction to any kind of emotional or physical distress has always been "comfort" eating. This is the one thing I really want to address, permanently. It has absolutely nothing to do with hunger, or even feeling that I'm missing certain foods as I've been perfectly happy (more than!) with what I've been eating in the last month. It's going to take time to show myself that there are other ways to comfort myself. Anyhoo, stayed strong today, tomorrow can only get better :) x
The thing is Lucy you say comfort eating but it never actually comforts you does it coz you feel guilty eating it and you feel guilty after it. Just imagine how amazing you feel after a week eating healthy? That comforts me no end...
The thing is Lucy you say comfort eating but it never actually comforts you does it coz you feel guilty eating it and you feel guilty after it. Just imagine how amazing you feel after a week eating healthy? That comforts me no end...

You're so right Laura, it provides no comfort at all.

Another good day today :D
Yup, eaten 2 choccy biccies today for no good reason - not comfort eating, absolutely no reason apart from wine weakness that I can see, very annoying but tomorrow is another day xxxxxxxxx
Morning Lucy, ah yes comfort eating, I was just a greedy pig I think, I ate when I was unhappy, I ate ehen I was happy, I just ate and ate, all the time
Think comfort eating is one of the reasons why most of us are here, Lucy!

Had a slight breakthrough on cravings this morning too. I've been reading a French travel book and woke up salivating at the thought of a fresh crunchy baguette with butter and blackberry jam - but I am slowly coming to the view that when I do hanker after stuff like this, it is just my memory telling me it was delish, because when I have given in (to pizza, eg) in the past, it hasn't been anywhere near as nice as I remembered it - IYSWIM :)

So had l/c sossies and eggs instead :)
Bok Bok...

... I'm really happy today coz I've decided to get chickens again :D! I had four last year, but when the ex and I separated I thought I'd be moving, everything was up in the air and I decided I should give them to my friend to keep with hers. I'd also started LighterLife so couldn't possibly use all the eggs!
BUT now, I'm here to stay and eating eggs like nobody's business, and I've really missed my girls (more than the ex, truth be told :eek:). Then I woke up this morning in the middle of a dream about getting a box ready to collect some chucks, I'd even dreamt of a name for mine (Enid Flyton??!!). So I've sorted out their house, weeded and tidied their enclosure and on Wednesday I'm off to get some more. Probably just three this time (one each for me and the kids). Ridiculously excited! :D
Oh, well back on the clean and green track too :D x
Sounds a brilliant idea Lucy!!

And with the number of eggs we use on Atkins it's perfect! Keep us posted and with pics too! :)
Lucy you should totally get a Myfitnesspal if you haven't already got one... Very good for keeping you focused x
Laura, I'm on Fatsecret. I did try Myfitnesspal but found Fatsecret suited me better. I always do better when I plan a day ahead, don't leave anything to chance!! Hope you're doing ok? :) x

Alpaca, pics will follow! Really looking forward to same-day fresh eggs again :D
It's so exciting Lucy! :)
I'm doing good Lucy!! Just loving eating actual food after exante!! Wish the scales would budge tho.