lucysmommys dukan diary

lol !!!

well this is it for me :)

bit of shock to weigh myself at 13st 11lbs tho :-(

i had a very late dinner last night - not sure if that has anything to do with it.

anyways about to have my omellete and a wee coffee the now

The thing with this diet is that even big eaters can suddenly find themselves forgetting to eat lunch as they wernt hungry, especially on PP days during cruise.

Good luck!
Thats very true. I try and have eggs and ham, for breakfast, or dukan porridge and scrambled eggs, I'm not hungry first thing, but if I wait till 10ish then have it , then lunch at 1 that takes me right up to dinner without feeling hungry.
I like to eat protein in the morning because it does really fill me up till lunch. If I just had a yogurt, like I used to I would need to nibble at something mid morning, but if you eat as much as you can of the right things at meal times then you will be satisfied till the next meal.
Dukan porridge is definitely the way forward for breakfast. I've found it's a bit rubbish done in the microwave but do it in a saucepan and then once you've poured it into your bowl leave it for 2 or 3 minutes and it really thickens up. Mmmm perfect for these chilly mornings. x
yep protie in the morning , im terrible for forgetting to eat at lunch and before the diet id pig out all day dukan porridge and my fav egg on a galette
how do you make the porridge?

i bought the oat bran spinkles thing from sainsburys is this the right thing? its still pure oat bran....

so i had scrambled egg and yogurt from my brekkie and 1ltr of water plus some coffee and skimmed milk

Hi Kirsty. Have a quick look at the recipe thread hun. There's lots of yummy things on there like the porride, muffins etc. Just make sure the recipe is suitable for the stage that you are at. x
Dukan Porridge
2tbsp. Oatbran
1tbsp. Wheatbran
200 ml skimmed milk
Sweetner to taste

Add all ingredients to pan, bring to boil whilst stirring. I add cinnamon to mine as well. Lovely.

a wee note of it for myself :)

where do you get wheatbran from?

and is this recipe ok for attack?
If you can't get it at the supermarket, try organic and health shops - they'll definitely have it.

It's less oatbran on attack (1 1/2 tbs), then once on cruise it's 2 tbs. Otherwise it's fine for attack.
Tesco sell Wheatbran honey. x
if you're a serious gym bunny - you'll need more liquids than us just relying on diet alone...also maybe consider having your oatbran/wheatbran as a post workout snack...
not a serious one but i go 3 x 1hr a week mostly and do cardio

its weird cos im about to have my oatbran (gelatte thingy) with my chicken just now and will have another fewpints of water before bed

so my final menu for today:

Brekkie: Omelette

Snack: Yogurt

Lunch: Seafood Salad (large)

Snack: Mussels

Dinner: 2 x chicken breast (topped with garlic quark) with a gelatte (lovely!!)

Drinks: 3.5ltrs of water and skimmed milk and coffee

may have some mackerel later on :)