No Coffee, No Workee
Lunch ideas please?
Hi everyone. I'm struggling a little bit at the moment. Life is completely, ridiculously busy and I'm finding it very hard to stick to my ppoints simply because I never know what to have for lunch. I have no problem with breakfasts, I have about 3 standard breakfasts all for the same ppoints which is cool, and I have an assortment of dinners between about 10 and 18 ppoints, which again is cool.
It's just lunches which are giving me problems. I used to go to Tescos across the road and grab a prepacked sandwich, bag of crisps and a bar of chocolate - which of course is how I got to be where I am now...
Also Tescos Healthy Living sandwiches are, unfortunately revolting. 
If money were no object I would go to Subway every day, low ppoints and yummy - but just too damned expensive.
The trouble is that I'm stupidly fussy sometimes, which is why I'm having problems.
* I don't have time in the mornings (or energy in the evenings, I have fibromyalgia) to make a sandwich or a wrap or salad or anything like that to take to work with me. It has to be "grab and go".
* I loathe cous cous after far too many years on Slimming World.
* I do like things like Ryvita but am already bored with soft cheese and ham for a topping, and there's a limit to what I can make at work.
* When I was on Slimming World I used to take a box of leftovers from the previous night's dinner sometimes - but now I'm finding that I don't want to spend that many points on my lunch.
* I need it to be relatively inexpensive.
I'm asking for the moon on a stick here aren't I?
I do have access to a fridge, kettle and microwave at work but nothing else. There is no preparation space at all.
Can anybody make any suggestions please? Subway is bankrupting me!
What do you all have for lunch that might fit my picky/busy nature?
Thanks in advance everyone.
Hi everyone. I'm struggling a little bit at the moment. Life is completely, ridiculously busy and I'm finding it very hard to stick to my ppoints simply because I never know what to have for lunch. I have no problem with breakfasts, I have about 3 standard breakfasts all for the same ppoints which is cool, and I have an assortment of dinners between about 10 and 18 ppoints, which again is cool.
It's just lunches which are giving me problems. I used to go to Tescos across the road and grab a prepacked sandwich, bag of crisps and a bar of chocolate - which of course is how I got to be where I am now...
If money were no object I would go to Subway every day, low ppoints and yummy - but just too damned expensive.
The trouble is that I'm stupidly fussy sometimes, which is why I'm having problems.
* I don't have time in the mornings (or energy in the evenings, I have fibromyalgia) to make a sandwich or a wrap or salad or anything like that to take to work with me. It has to be "grab and go".
* I loathe cous cous after far too many years on Slimming World.
* I do like things like Ryvita but am already bored with soft cheese and ham for a topping, and there's a limit to what I can make at work.
* When I was on Slimming World I used to take a box of leftovers from the previous night's dinner sometimes - but now I'm finding that I don't want to spend that many points on my lunch.
* I need it to be relatively inexpensive.
I'm asking for the moon on a stick here aren't I?
Can anybody make any suggestions please? Subway is bankrupting me!
Thanks in advance everyone.