Lurker Turned Poster Due To Rainbow Rose's Diary - Time to start my own diary

Thanks Rose I can only but try
Yep honey....try..AND....succeed x :)

Please don't think the motivation will never return, I've been there, it does return, even when you least expect it!..and you will easily fall back into the habit again x
Evening Pooks -- Happy weekend! Florida sends its love! ;)
Wish I was still there Mel :(

Morning Ladies well more afternoon really

Just done a 2 hr walk this morning with my friend and so far am back on plan walking was really hard I am very suprised to see how I can get so unfit so quickly it just shows you how this cannot be just a diet it has to be a whole lifestyle plan than continues for good to stop me becoming a big fat lardy butt again ( thought they might censor ar*e ) I really have to try this week to get back on it and stay on it otherwise I'll end up back where i started :(
Afternoon Pooks,

I have found I have through lack of exercise I weigh about the same but am a lot less toned -- flabby, muffin topped, thicker waist, etc. I need to get back on the fitness track and continue to work on my eating plan.
You've made a good start with walking today hun, make small changes every day towards returning to where you were with eating habits etc before your holiday, and remember, we are all here for you, anytime you need to talk or are struggling..believe in yourself Pooks, I know you will overcome the doubt in your mind, probably sooner than you think! x
Finally back in there for the moment at least on track the last couple of days and started back with the poolathon tonight ,Aqua zumba, aquafit then only managed an hours swimming instead of the usual 1 1/2 hours but its all good its got me coming back even if only gradually lets hope it continues mind you had to force myself out in the cold , rainy fog that I went in ;)
Pookie 1999 said:
Finally back in there for the moment at least on track the last couple of days and started back with the poolathon tonight ,Aqua zumba, aquafit then only managed an hours swimming instead of the usual 1 1/2 hours but its all good its got me coming back even if only gradually lets hope it continues mind you had to force myself out in the cold , rainy fog that I went in ;)

Super impressed! Our mermaid has resurfaced! Yay!
How are you doing Pooks..I've been noticing a distinct lack of posting from almost everyone, including me :(..I'm going to start a roll call every day...making sure you are all here...present and correct!!! ;) x
Okay, I've had a quick roll call..I see Tranqs, Kate and Pooks are present today..where are the others???..was there a party on and someone forgot to tell me? ;)

Have a good day Pooks, grab a dressing up outfit from the box..we've got all sorts in there!!!!!!...anyone got a suggestion for when? x
I lost another 1lb this week I really dont know how this is a bad time of year for us for dieting and money as 3 of my daughters have birthdays it was little ones this wednesday just gone another next Tuesday then another which is an 18th the following Wednesday must have been a very boring time of year 9 months before ha ha but lots of cake and meals out so really am struggling at the moment so was really pleased to see a lb loss.

I have decided to adjust my christmas target as its no race and all I do is put myself under huge pressure to hit target each month and if I fail then I go into sod it mode and do even more damage so I have given myself a target of a lb a week plus 1 extra lb obviously I would love to lose more but now I've set this new target if I do thats great but if I only lose the lb a week thats fine too as long as I am losing its all good.

I think this should help me cope in the build up to christmas as I get extremely busy as you can imagine with a big family and 12 for christmas day and dinner its a lot of hard work and with all the christmas shopping its food on the go the wrapping itself takes forever I wrapped in excess of 350 presents last year every year we say they are all getting older now 3 of them are working we need to cut down as it costs us a fortune but we never do . We just keep seeing things for the girls buying them then you have to buy the others as well to make sure they have got the same amount spent on them and it just goes on and on .

We have yet again said we definately are cutting down again this year so we'll see if it happens . I did however do quite a bit of christmas shopping in the states so I've got a really good start.

Have a good afternoon everyone :)
Afternoon Pooks!

I think you're wise to give up the goal and just do the best you can. 350 gifts! OMG! I did very little shopping, but then I wasn't on holiday and am "into" gifts that don't add clutter (like concert tickets).