Pookie 1999
Gold Member
Yeah me too its plunged us back into cold again has snowed on and off all day here but hasn't settled too wet but cold enough to make you hungry
I went swimming this afternoon god it was cold outside the pool was lovely and warm though and as my hands were so cold from outside they tingled
Swimming was hard work with all this extra weight on me hopefully if I can shift some again it will get a lot easier
How annoying for you Pookie, I hope the new look grows on you!
I agree, if their is a wrong time to go for a meal or a trip to the supermarket, it is when you haven't ate for hours!!!
Got me wondering now?..what the healthy eaters/dieters chose at the catering vans on the island? The choice was, bacon rolls, burgers, cheeseburgers, fish and chips, hot dogs, curly fries, fried chicken, sausages in onion gravy...and soup!..I suppose IF i had been on track, I would have been living on soup!..Just remebered they also served veggie burgers!
Hmm, now I've made myself hungry..it doesn't take much to make me hungry these days!
have a good day hun x
I'm sure you'd rather be at the side of the road flagging them down Rosie one things for sure once they'd stopped they wouldn't escape ha ha.
Have made up for last night went swimming for an hour at lunchtime and now I'm off to work.
Have done ok again today so now it's all down to those nasty evil scales wether they give me a good result or not . :sigh:
Taking the kids to chessington world of adventures tomorrow it will be cold I know but as long as it doesn't rain I'm fine with it.
Will weigh before I go and update probably in the evening.
At least it will get us out in the fresh air this weather has kept us inside a lot lately.
I have had enough cold and would like some spring now Mr weatherman please