Gold Member
Someone pass me some champers I'm sure Rose can spare one glass now Rose no beetroot stains or chocolate on my new garden sofas
Plenty here Pookie, I bought a secret stash!
Someone pass me some champers I'm sure Rose can spare one glass now Rose no beetroot stains or chocolate on my new garden sofas
yum yum..wholenut..check..champers..check...breezers..check..beetroot spheres check....okay..what's missing????
yum yum..wholenut..check..champers..check...breezers..check..beetroot spheres check....okay..what's missing????
Are you watching Susan Boyle too Rosie?
You'd better check your wardrobe Squeezy Rose has been in stealing tartan trousers.
You'd better check your wardrobe Squeezy Rose has been in stealing tartan trousers.
???????..how much has kate had to drink folks?...me no understand crazy lady????..help!
Oh you forgot to round up the men
???????..how much has kate had to drink folks?...me no understand crazy lady????..help!
Depends if you are just rounding them up or....................
mysterious girl has been your signature tune the past week