Lynne: Low Carb Fan

Sorry you've been unwell Lynne but glad you're all better now and ready for your trip!

How exciting to be able to see your new granddaughter :) xx
What Lady F said, Lynne! Have a lovely time, and keto on as much as you can.
OK, I'm 67 now, maybe losing marbles. Today an email popped up from Minimins. It rang a distant bell, I clicked and realised. I am so shocked so much time has gone by. I wont lie, Three years ago I was having a tricky time one way or another but since then I think I have made progress. I began Reformer Pilates in April 2019 and love it. I am still Low Carbing and basically eating twice a day, so I suppose you could say I am doing IF. I have lost some weight. We lost our lovely JRT last year, she was 16 and very much missed, but within a few months we had found a poor, sick, starving dog, needing love and food and a LOT of medication, and she's here with us still. She's got fur on, what was, bald crusty patches, the blood and heart parasites are no more, she walks with a swagger and wags her tail a LOT We called her Ruh, which means Soul or Spirit in Turkish.


This year I have had a Cataract and two inguinal hernias seen to. Doing good. I am loving messing with various apps on my Phone and downloading books that have piqued my interest. I think it would be fair to say I am seeking something. Self improvement. Whatever.

Meanwhile the virus affects us all in various ways. I now have a new grandson born in January this year and I haven't met him yet. We now have 6 grandchildren in all and its saddening to be separated from them by the miles and the Pandemic. But I wont complain because we are having a far easier time than so many people, -we know we are lucky.

Sending love to you all, I will try to catch up with you later :p
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How lovely to hear your update Lynne! So sad to be separated from family, but like you said as long as you're all well. Is your new grandson in the UK? I'm not allowed to travel to the US so will have to wait to see family when it allowed.

Sorry to hear about the loss of your lovely pup. They are part of the family and it's just devastating when they go.

I had a cataract removed in April. It was quick, painless and the most freaky of surgeries.

I've not updated my thread in years. I'm mostly vegan and love it and as it's in a low carb section I just didn't bother. I guess for me carbs were not the enemy after all. I have put a few back on but not too bothered by it as it's mostly cava weight lol :)
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How lovely to hear your update Lynne! So sad to be separated from family, but like you said as long as you're all well. Is your new grandson in the UK? I'm not allowed to travel to the US so will have to wait to see family when it allowed.

Sorry to hear about the loss of your lovely pup. They are part of the family and it's just devastating when they go.

I had a cataract removed in April. It was quick, painless and the most freaky of surgeries.

I've not updated my thread in years. I'm mostly vegan and love it and as it's in a low carb section I just didn't bother. I guess for me carbs were not the enemy after all. I have put a few back on but not too bothered by it as it's mostly cava weight lol :)
Wow, great to hear from you!!!! 3 years ago I tried going veggie. I did worry maybe I might become deficient in certain things though. All I know is, it was a lousy year, not due to that, but one way or another it was a year I would prefer to forget. So in the new year I decided on a change of direction. Things have improved since then and I wont rule out having another go at being veggie. I loved not having any meat in the house. I joined Diet Doctor a few months back and they do cater for Vegetarian and Vegan. My main thing isnt a belief that eating meat is bad for the environment (or my health). My main thing is I don't like the miserable lives and deaths animals suffer, for meat eaters. -it's complicated.....

Cava weight, LOL -love it! Seriously, I did so well during lock down. We weren't allowed out for 14 weeks during the 1st lock-down. I exercised at home, ordered shopping from the local shop or main supermarket and I only ordered what I should have. So, I could lose weight easily. When we all finally emerged, I had lost weight and my friends had piled it on ROFL!!! I have put some back on, but it's not rocketing. I hope once the weather cools, I can get out more and get more weight shifted because I am still built like a blancmange.
I think as long as you have a varied veggie diet should be ok. I used to hate tofu, but I press it marinade it and cook the crap out of it. For me it's all about the sauce so tofu in a hoisin sauce taste like chicken with hoisin sauce and although the texture is completely different. You can get so many fake meats these days and some are fab some awful but I try not to over do the processed food. I remember the Diet Doctor very good site I'll revisit it.

Snap, I too lost during the lockdown. I kept working throughout so my schedule didn't change at all and kept active. I think those that were suddenly working from home didn't get as much walking in unless they made a real effort.

A blancmange, that made me lol.
I am actually the proud possessor of a Tofu Press! I quite liked cooking with Tofu. We can get soy mince here too. But not Quorn, yet. Big cities, yes, but not here. It's funny, only recently I bought more soy mince because I've been considering going back to more veggie meals, if not all. I also have pea protein and nutritional yeast, though the yeast is from UK. More and more veggie stuff is available here. YAY!
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Haha I'm pressing some tofu as I type this! I'm putting a tofu press on my Christmas list.

I also make tofu mince. It's very good. I use vegan chicken or beef broth dry for this recipe. Both Osem and Telma brands are excellen-t heres's the link for the tofu mince.

Are you in Turkey? I'm watching a couple Netflix series filmed in Istanbul looks amazing.

My one is Tofuture from Lakeland. Lovely thing. Yes I'm in South Western Turkey. Been here 14 years and much has changed over the years. More things available. To my shame, I've not been to Istanbul yet. 7 dogs tends to clip my wings and I don't like to leave them. But maybe I will next year.......

Thanks for the recipe. Will give it a try. I've had successes in the past with TVP (non GMO), but always interested.
I won’t be posting my food here, but here’s my hoisin chilli garlic crispy tofu with veg and noodles- it was way too spicy but good - I’d say about 30 grams carbs but only about 340 calories - in case anyone thinks tofu is boring :)


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So, I haven't drawn that line in the sand yet. I am still eating some wrong things. Balanced out by eating some right things. I am happy to report the weather is cooler than it was, so the walk I had earlier wasn't a complete ordeal and will go towards my Kms in Conqueror Challenges that I joined recently. It's novel and fun and encourages people to get up and DO something.


Because living in Turkey means no Waterstones, I have a Kindle plus Kindle apps on my Laptop and Tablet. OMG I love my Kindle books. I have madcap ideas and download one or two books relevant to it. Very few of my books are fiction/non fiction/autobiographies. The majority are health, spirituality and diet books. They are my 'preciouses'. My recent book is by Kate O'Donnell. An Ayurvedic cook book. I love to see her videos. She comes across as a very lovely person. She's not long published her third book... I may download that later. 😉
l really le crspy tofu! That looks delicious @coffeelover

What a fab picture @Rindaloo lt is so beautiful.
I love Diet Doctor. It's good for low carb/keto. It also does low carb veggie. I have used some recipes from the veggie section but a lot of the recipes use goat cheese and I am sorry, I don't like it. Is there a cheese I could use to replace the goat cheese?
So after a few sharp warning jabs of pain from my back over a few days, the pain really set in on Friday. Nothing specific started it off but here I am, taking Voltarol and walking round like a crab. I have high hopes it will settle soon. Its not all bad, I can get comfortable to sleep each night, at least.
So sorry about your back pain.

l reckon you can use any other cheese. Some have a few more carbs but it's all still lower carb than the food we used to eat!
Thanks AliGal, I am weirdly S shaped currently. I assume muscle tension.

As for the cheese, I was thinking similar strength of flavour and way it behaves in recipes. Its quite mild I think. Perhaps I will try a mild cheddar.
It's doing well thanks. I am no longer s shaped either. Yes it catches me sometimes, but I am SO relieved its eased off.

I went into town today and ordered new glasses. A big deal for me after having the same style for well over 15 years. So today's choice was a bit of a dare, though not too risky and now I am sitting here wondering if I should have been even more daring. LOL!!!! Oh and I have opted for photochromic. -Saves me lugging sunglasses around.