M-Mouse's Droppings

Well my first PP Thursday nearly over and it almost felt like a relief to be 'back to normal'!:D

I think my weight is goign to be almost back to normal tomorrow too so it is true that things even out. I just need to get out of the habit of weighing in so much! It's just all a bit scary at the moment, especially with the thought of going away at the end of next week!

Brilliant well done! Those speedily gained 6lb could not be anything BUT water, possibly an overreaction at the first whiff of carbs :p

Weighing: it took me a long long time to not sneak in a second weighing in mid-week. usually it just conformed what I already knew regarding post-weekend gains but on the other hand it helped me focus for the rest of the week. I really don't do that any more now, but it took months.

The conso additions - they are just little pleasures that you can easily fit in: fruit on your porridge (I chopped up a nectarine this morning) or cheese on your evening meal (on Tue I baked some fish toppped with tomato and a couple of TB grated parmesan). At the beginning I had quite a few cheese and tomato sandwiches to really savour the (boring, really) cheese we are allowed in Conso. Today I treated myself to a small piece of lovely ripe Brie with my oatbran crispbread instead.

Don't worry of they're too much - as I said before, have less, do it more gradual, but you have to do it if you ever want to go back to 'normal'.
Hi M-Mouse :) I love reading your posts (big fan of your work:flirt2:) Well done on your first PP Thursday, can't wait until I get to that point too. When you say you are scared, can I ask if that's because you might binge or because you don't know if the plan will "work"? I only ask because I am very aware that I overeat, so I never got the scared feeling, but I remember having to go back to food after LL, and feeling terrified.

Being on Dukan has already made me a paranoid eater. I check labels incessantly, and I had a little incident with some crisps last night which scared me. (writing it up now in my diary). I don't like being scared by food and eating. How are you coping with the scary bit?

Sorry for such a personal question. And well done again :)

My trouble is the gala meals - I kind of struggle to stop. I guess the mentality is sort of once I have started eating bad stuff there is no point stopping. Take yesterday - my gala meal:
garlic bread
1/2 low fat pizza

- but I made the garlic bread and so ended up having a couple (or three) chunks of gorgeous bread and butter before I had even made it, then ate the pizza and then the chocolate dipped flapjack. I wanted more of the bread but knew I wouldn't be able to eat the pizza if I had more. I am great at sticking to the rules on Cruise but struggle to know when to stop with the gala; I guess as I have more it might improve! I suppose I am trying to get my head around the idea that the gala meal is still meant to be in moderation, not a chance to have a total pig out!! Still no damage done!
I think because weve been conditioned to eat as much protien as possible on cruise , i know i find it hard to curb that if faced with carbs that im "allowed" say on conso .............

ive been taught to be a pig and a pig i will be hence why i struggle near conso and cruise is my friend
Where are you going Mousey?!!!

Hello there... and I'm so happy to read that your 6lb increase (which I missed?) has melted away... fabulous! It is yes always a good idea to post menus in Conso, I think, particularly at the outset when you might get confused and forget to reintroduce things... or aren't you doing too much reintroduction yet?

I'll catch up with you somewhere or other... looking forward to having a Dukan meal with you next week! It should have been ME not in ketosis, but it's gonna be you now :D (and OH has joined me on ATTACK!)
you lucky pair have a coffee for me ladies xxx
Oh forgot to tell you all - wearing my first ever pair of size 12 jeans today and still managing to breath!! Can't quite believe I can get my belly into them, but I can!!:D

- and they're not even stretchy!
Thanks Emm - I'm sure they must be from a generous sizing shop though - I wouldn't claim to be able to get into ANY size 12 jeans :)
Good gracious me Mouse... how fantastic!!!!!!!
You'd be surprised mouse - I'll bet you're much slimmer than you're giving yourself credit for - remember it takes forever for brains to catch up with bodies. I still feel like I have an oversized belly, but if I hold it in and look objectively it's really not as bad as I imagine.

Note to self - must get back to doing sit ups!
I was finding the label in my new jeans quite itchy but thought I wasn't going to cut it out:D Have since looked and found the size isn't on that label at all so it can go!!

e am having a good week. Went to Pizza Hut with the kids on Saturday before seeing HP and after holiday shopping adn just sat and had some salad bar, and enjoyed the film Trying to wrap up loose ends at work before we are off on Saturday now.

I was going to have some left over soup for lunch but I am making bolognese for everyone else, so I might make myself a mini cottage pie instead - or as well!
can i get in your case please you wont here a peep from me honest ....i need a holiday
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