Great to read you back Manda!!
So glad the going to bed early thing helped, it helps me, force myself to sleep and then wake up, pass the long mirror - get an annoyed feeling at the wibble and then downstairs to weigh in - affirming the wibble on the scales

and then a dukan breakfast to try and defeat the wibble day I will be a wibble free zone

Did you manage Mum's ok too?.... I hate visiting rellies at the moment, they feel the need to fill me with biscuits

and then think I've an eating disorder when I resist (I'm hardly likely to waste away at 12st!

Chicken is the definite plan for me this week, stood for 2 minutes in Asda this afternoon, staring at whole chickens (after the duff weigh in this morning) saying to myself (in my head

) "can I do this anymore?" I ate tons of protein last week, put on weight and it all just felt a bit much, then I said "course you f*cking can, now pick up the d*mn chicken!"

so I complied with firm me and put the chicken in my basket

job done.
Kids off school still for you this week? Got much planned?
Hope to read you soon
