M-Mouse's Droppings

it's weird how there's not much dukaneers up north....yet Barnsley is fattest place in the country :D....guess they just don't care lol....
I'm with Mouse. I'd freeze to death if I went further North than Watford! x
I'd keep you warm - I've had the heating on all month :)...plenty of room for at least half a dozen dukaneers here..if you don't mind "cosy" lol x
ha ha ha as tempting as your heating is Sarah, I still think I'd prefer convert you to a Southerner LOL
doubt I could get much in exchange for my house up here hun :).... the north/south divide includes property prices :(.... will just have to get everyone together to meet at the very least x :)
Start selling organs honey. It's lovely down here. Bring Vicky while you're at it ;)
I'd like to but I think I might need my organs :D... pity you can't sell fat isn't it....to skinny minnie's who want kim kardashians bum or dolly parton's tits :S...hmm
I'd like to but I think I might need my organs :D... pity you can't sell fat isn't it....to skinny minnie's who want kim kardashians bum or dolly parton's tits :S...hmm

ha ha ha you're not wrong :D

Sorry for hijacking your diary Mouse. xxx
morning :) i just want to be kim kardashian!
i love you!!!!!!!!! i think she could turn me lol (i mean you kimmy mouse ;) )
I just get my kicks out of pretending to be a fat blob - wish I was really - then they wouldn't pap me quite so much.......:D
omg i cant believe im speaking to kim kardashian - i watch your show all the time. Your sister should so dump scott he is an eeejit!!
hee hee hee ive gone all giggly. best dump the bf im going out with Kim K ;)