Jo -
B - atkins choc shake
L - ginger boiled gammon (200g) and rocket and 1 small avocado with mustard mayo
D - roasted aubergine with chilli cheese and smoked cheese
s - piece of dark choc to up my carbs
ex - nope
a - nope
w - oh yes!
Thank you all you lovely ladies. -2lbs for me this morning, which I am delighted with and, what I am even more delighted with is the fact that my bmi is now below 30, so I have escaped the clutches of obesity (I hate that word) and am now just overweight!
I have never been to a slimming club - never liked the idea of it, but I think I get far better motivation and support here from you guys than I would at a slimming club, so thank you all. x
Yes I took my veal mince and added some black pepper and a bit of cayenne and then made balls around little cubes of brie. then baked for about 30 mins. Bloody yum. was going to make tom sauce but used carbs for sprouts and swede instead.
B - atkins granola bar
L - ginger boiled ham with rocket avocado and mustard mayo
D - salmon fillets with boursin, kale
s - dont think so
w - yes another 4 litres
a - nope
ex - nope