Oooh bummer GO. Sounds unpleasant! Chocolate is dangerous innit!

I find it very easy to control with dark choc, but the other is DEFINITELY a trigger for me.
Well here are my goods for the last couple of days:
Ate all healthy meals. Passed on offers at work. Did a exercise DVD last night - 75 crunches the last 3 nights, and chose to walk to work today since the sun was out! Oh, and skipped the biccies at a training afternoon while everyone else gorged! LOL
After quite few weeks of picking here and there, partially due to being bored and lonesome without my other half, and partially due to giving in to a few bad habits.
Learning now, even this much later - in fact, more so later, that it is incredibly easy to slip back into some bad habits!! lol So, being very mindful now and aware, the hard work must continue.
I wonder, if my celebrating my year anniversary of maintaining subconsciously has triggered a bit of wanton behavior??
Anyway - thats enough waffling. Just random thoughts.
And now off for a healthy dinner of pumpkin and wildrice soup, with yogurt and toasted seed.....followed by fresh kiwi, pineapple and melon.
No sins!
More crunches, and then a DVD or catch up on SKY +. Feet up this cold windy night!
Hope everyone is having a nice evening.
