Maintainers Refocus Month

Glad you're getting on ok with them Daisy and well done on the loss so far.

Well my nest is now empty and I'm so looking forward to my start tomorrow. I will have the updated weigh in in the morning, which I'm not looking forward to. I have, however, done quite well on the water today so will look forward to being up several times in the night!!!!

Good on you Poppy, you can do better than three days!!! One week at a time eh??!!
So far so good for me today, another 500g off!! Water consumption is fine and food wise, no snacks or treaty things... Just good old healthy veg and protein. I really want to shift this last little bit to get back to my happy weight! Good to see you Poppy, how did the birthday party go Daisy?

it was fine - i 'ate' a plate of food and 'drank' a glass of champagne, but i'm in a foul mood and have a headache, so it wasn't the best fun i've ever had tbh!

hoping i am in ketosis by tomorrow as i go back to work and could do without feeling hungry!

well done on your day

daisy x

daisy x
Hello ladies and a very HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all.

Thanks for starting this thread F/T, tbh I was thinking of posting a "i'm fat and unhappy" thread, but this is a lot more up beat!

I've been staying away from the boards and not logging deliberateley over christmas to see justr what I have learned, well the answer is NOTHING!!!

The good news is I've not put on any more weight since 27th December, the bad news is that I'm 1 STONE over my upper limit! (arrgh.....), I know I've been eating & drinking for England over the past 3 weeks but really this is crazy.

So as of now I'm oficially dieting, I've got 5 weeks until my Birthday and I'm low carbing & low fat with no alcohol until then with the aim of shedding the excess stone by 6th Feb. TBH I would really LOVE to have 4 weeks on the packs to sort the weight quickly, but don't feel I can justify this with my family yet. I'll give it a week & see what/if any weight has gone then readdress with them. Psycologically I have an issue in that my wife is naturally slim & also looking to lose a bit of weight (~ 4lbs) so in her eyes we will be losing together which is nice, but I know I need more radical action to sustain losses.

Anyway, I'm rambling & don't want to hijack this thread. Good luck to all of you, let's focus and detox in January and make 2010 a 'low weight' year for us all.

Good to be back :)
You Hijack away Sean! It's good to have you back.

Half the problem is admitting you have one. Our problems aren't quite like they used to be, yet. We're dealing with them head on early this time!!!

Well my weigh in after this rather bingefull weekend was horrific. The cumulation of the Oz holiday and Christmas has taken it's toll. I'm still 2 stone lighter than last Christmas but now also 2 stone heavier than I want to be!!! I have had a pack breakfast and 1 litre already and will pack for lunch with a very light dinner. No alcohol and keep up the water. I don't want to look at this as if I'm going back on the diet. There may be days I wholly pack and some I just light meal. I do want to know I can control this however. It's all there in the head, just have to action it.
So true FT

I am having and "arrrrrrrrrrrrrgh" day. After 3 days of being really good food wise and seeing the weight drop off, it is now back up again for no apparent reason!!! not all of it but the 500g that was gone yesterday is back today. The only reason I can see is that I am still off work, so not running around like a mad thing and being really physical. I know I am not eating anything terribly bad, I am watching the portions, drinking the water, low carbing - apart from the rice on Saturday and even that was not much. I am missing the safety of the packs where at least you know the weight goes!!! I will give it till the end of the week to see how it goes then if there is still no change jump back on the packs for a bit, probably 2 packs and a light meal like you are doing. I just cannot explain it, I am eating food from about week 8 rtm and at that point it was still dropping off me!!!

Don't forget you have to step back a bit from the daily weighing Jez. You're right to look at the whole week. Bodies are wierd things at the best of times and female ones especially!! Have you 'been', are you at that part of your month, (did you even look at something naughty!!) they can all add up.
Oh no too

Another one to add to the refocus collection!

Feel a bit panicked by it all tbh .... got on the scales this morning and have put about a stone back on since the begining of December :cry:.

Really unsure of what is the best course of action ... really tempted by Exante having read a few of you have tried it but think that's just a panic reaction but just so glad I came back on here and read this thread my head is now out of the sand and you don't know how hard it was for me to adjust my stat's (yes acutally i'm sure you all do lol!).

Have been good today as I obviously knew by my clothes that things wern't good and have drunk loads of water and green tea, have ordered the Hannah Waterman DVD ... (another panic reaction) and fully intend to have a huge excercise push with the DVD and running.

Things are clearing in my mind as I type ... so think i'm gonna low carb it for a few days with loads of excercise and take it from there ... if not happy in a week may consider Exante.There ... thank god that's decided!

Good luck all for getting back on track and thank you, thank you, thank you as if you hadn't been honest with yourselves and posted here then I would still be in denial ... you have yet again inspired me to bloody pull myself together!

Remember it is possible to lose weight through normal eating!

On 11th December I weighed 12st6, against my 11st8 target. I had surgery and lost 6lbs of skin, but as of this morning am 11st7 so have lost half a stone in three weeks over xmas by generally eating carefully, but allowing myself to completely let go occassionally.

Low carb definitely helps me, and having lots of interesting salads (ie. add things like grapes/radishes/peppers etc and fat free dressing), lean protein (eg. chicken), and green veg.

I also read an interesting principle which is to have a rinsible diet - if you can rinse it under the tap you can eat it (eg. chicken, fruit, veg, rice), if you can't rinse it you can't eat it (eg biscuits, bread etc). Haven't tried it and wouldn't use it as a rule but it is an interesting guide.
Horrible day in work mean that I had one pack at about 11am and then soup when I got home at 6pm, and have had a milkshake about half an hour ago. I was very tempted to eat (was going to be LL recipe ratatouille with Quorn meatballs so low cal) as I felt sick and tired and rubbish - think I have a cold coming!! I told myself that I should eat and start properly tomorrow, but I stopped myself as I remembered FTs words that I could do much better than three days - not even one day would have been rubbish! I've been looking at my pics and telling myself that I should not listen to any excuses that I can tell myself and get on with it. When I start losing weight I need to feel good about this, instead of giving up. Being slim brought me so much benefit, which I wish I'd written down at the time - I need to do this soon, and also read my LL book again to regain the focus - not making excuses, but too tired this evening!! ;-) I aim to be too small for my 'emergency' pants very soon!!! ;-)

Good luck to you all and even though I am sure you wish you weren't having to take part in this thread personally, it helps me that so many people are having issues, as I don't feel such a failure and know that I can gain control again, as it seems that it's pretty natural to have gained when your eye is taken off the ball.

I remember the Claire Sweeney programme where she gained weight so quickly and looked so different when she wasn't careful and stopped exercising and eating what she wanted. That was a revelation to me - I thought that people like her were naturally slim!

Anyway, it's absolutely my choice to lose the weight, and I'm going to keep talking my mantra that worked for me last time "it's only food", and "tomorrow is another day", should definitely keep the chatterbox quiet and allow me to get through the weeks easily.......
hi there
well day 4 over and done. think i am in ketosis as i haven't been hungry.
about half an hour ago i got a lemon bar out and nearly ate it.

i realised this morning i was 100 cals down yesterday - i had spilt packs and not realised i'd missed half a pack, so was justifying eating it to make up for that...hmmm crooked thinking - however, i stopped myself and left it on the side.

im pleased about that - i thought my willpower was non-exsistant, but it seems i do have some after all.

poppy - thanks for the claire sweeney reminder, i had forgotton about that programme.

g_o_d - i feel like i have lost my way with food and don't know how much to eat/not to eat to lose weight anymore!
packs is so easy, no thinking, but you are right. i don't want to be leaping back into abstinence every few months so i do need to work out what i have to do

anyway, roll on day 5!
daisy x
Part of your cure is coming on here and writing it all down too Poppy. I'm glad you turned your thinking around. So, that's another day nearer being slim you again!!! Keep it up! xx

Of course you have will power Daisy! Remember where you were this time last year hoping for those pipe dream shoulder rides at the festivals? They were a reality and there are plenty more festivals coming up.

I did the water yesterday quite early and was pleased. Pack breakfast, light lunch, apple and green leaf salad for dinner, shake for supper. I'm feeling less congested already. Not sure if I'll hit ketosis mixing like this, especially with the fruit but, like I said, I don't want to diet as such just use it as a tool.

And on wards to today.........!
Welcome aboard P_S I think you're right, none of us is 'happy' to be here, but at least we've all come to the same adult conclusion and are taking action rather than simply pretending that everything is fine and letting the slips continue into the New year. That's the reason diets get a a bad name, losing weight in some ways is the easy part, it's recognising that it's a lifelong journey for everyone to stay slim/healthy. Some people just seem to naturally adjust better than others.

I think it was Einstein who said ' a problem can not be solved with the same type of thinking that created it', or put another way, the definition of insanity is to do the same thing twice and expect a different result! We carry on over eating, and taking no exercise once the 'diet phase' is over and we all get suprised that weight creeps back on?

So, we should all give ourselves metaphorical pats on the back for being here, rather than stressing that we have come back :)

So day 1 over with. Home made fruit salad & fat free yoghurt breakfast, salad lunch, chicken stir-fry dinner (no noodles/rice), and Muller light snack. ~ 900 KCal and I'm already feeling better

Role on day 2
hi everyone can i join you too?!

i haven't been on here for ages. i lost 3.5 stones, maintained for a few months and was really pleased. i then decided i wanted to lose another half a stone and so went back to trying fad diets and surprise, surprise i ended up putting on weight! i'm now over a stone over my max weight so decided to go back on packs for a few weeks and started today. my tummy's rumbling and i'd love to eat and was feeling a complete failure and rubbish and then i came across your posts and you have inspired me again!

Thank you so much for starting this thread. it is exactly what i needed and i really am starting to believe what i had until now just been telling myself - that nipping this in the bud at this stage is a sign of success rather then failure. in the past i would have just given up and resigned myself to being fat forever, now i am prepared to fight for the right to be a healthy weight and to look the way i want to.

thank you loads. will go and drink more water now!
hi catgirl!
nice to have you with us!
sean, you will get it back off in no time i'm sure - you made good choices with your food yesterday

hope today is going well for all the 'refocussers'

daisy x
Remember it is possible to lose weight through normal eating!

On 11th December I weighed 12st6, against my 11st8 target. I had surgery and lost 6lbs of skin, but as of this morning am 11st7 so have lost half a stone in three weeks over xmas by generally eating carefully, but allowing myself to completely let go occassionally.

Low carb definitely helps me, and having lots of interesting salads (ie. add things like grapes/radishes/peppers etc and fat free dressing), lean protein (eg. chicken), and green veg.

I also read an interesting principle which is to have a rinsible diet - if you can rinse it under the tap you can eat it (eg. chicken, fruit, veg, rice), if you can't rinse it you can't eat it (eg biscuits, bread etc). Haven't tried it and wouldn't use it as a rule but it is an interesting guide.

Thanks girloutdoors, my problem is knowing what "normal eating" is, I have been overweight most of my life and never seem to be able to find the normal balance.

Seem to be on an even keel today and scales looked better this morning although I will try not to get back to the weighing daily malarky!

I agree it is reassuring to know that you are not the only one who struggles so this is a great comfort!

Keep going all ... good luck for today!

Arrrrrgh 3 days of excellent low cal eating and still no bloody shift in the scales........ Im sitting here knowing I should eat because I am now actually hungry but wont let myself eat because I feel happier if I dont, and Im scared anything now is going to trigger more gain or rather lack of loss..... Why the hell am I feeling so uptight over 3lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hi jez
i think you need to put your scales away hun (and this is from a serial weigher, lol!)
daisy x
Jezz, I agree with Daisy - or at least only way once - maaaaaybe twice a week.

We must remember we got spoiled by pretty consistant weekly losses, so we are used to the scale going down.

Back on food it is a different world - you will not see results that quick. :) It can now take days to show on the scale, and that is hard to get used to.

Nerves are probably what are getting you over 3lbs - it is nerve wracking, but you will shift those. You will.

I have faith in you....and as you say, once you are running around like a mad thing, that will help too.

Hang in there kiddo. You got it. :)
knock knock ... pleeeease can i come in ???

hi all
im hoping im ok to join you guys.
just got back from hubbies ship today and i REALLY need to refocus , with him being home so long then the trip over there im floundering :0(
on the upside ive been doing allot of exersize whilst on the qm2 but the damage was done before the trip.... infact ive not been right since oct 08 after maintaining for 2 years . i just really seem to have lost my way :cry:. but ive done allot of talking wilst exersizing with hubby about self sabotage and finding out the whys and wherefores ect and as he said that at least i now want to stop it in its tracks before it spirals out of control < but i get sooo upset and cross with myself for doing this too my body when i know how crap it makes me feel ! arrgggghhh ! sorry guys dont mean to hijack this thread , im just hoping i can come out to play with those in the know :eek:. i have nearly 2 months of exante here in the kitchen which i bought on offer before xmas with a view of starting but never got my head straight before going away, so tomorrow is the day !!! thought i might go to ll tomorrow and pick up some porridge to combine with the exante .
anyway il bugger orf :D now and await inspiration :D:D:Dxxxx