Gold Member
juju_doll said:If i looked like you I'd ditch the dress altogether ... I'd just walk around naked all day! Xx
Pa ha ha ha ha! Ooh no, I'd put everyone off their dinner and that's just mean
juju_doll said:If i looked like you I'd ditch the dress altogether ... I'd just walk around naked all day! Xx
Without sounding pervy I've just seen pics of you in your undiesand believe me you can tell you're lighter than me. I wish I looked like that under my clothes. Your top half is especially tiny!
missnic07 said:Haha. Thanks, it's my bottom half that's the problem! I'll get there though, slowly but surely!
Where is your blue dress from? I looove it!!
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I wouldn't say it was a 'problem' at all. I quite like being bottom heavy, I like to think I'm just like Beyonce...or Kimberley Walsh
It's from New Look. Thanks, I love it too.
I like big butts and I cannot
I'm sure I read somewhere that Kim K claims to be 8st something, if my bum was that big at that weight I'd be devastated! Ha. I suppose it's never done her any harm though.
missnic07 said:You other brothers can't deny, when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist, and a round thing in your face! Ha.
Yea def has done her no harm lol
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Ruthieovertherainbow said:You have the perfect proportions... I used to have a 10 inch gaps between my waist and my hips, and I loved it. However, after baby no.2, the gap went down to 8 inches, boohissss. I love that coke bottle shape, and I want it, I WANT IT!!!!! I also love big butts. I like my bum at the moment actually, its nice and round, but unfortunately its just fat lol. It will be a lot less bootylicious when I've lost weight. I wouldn't say no to butt implants actually. It can go to place 4 on my cosmetic surgery list
Just seen your before photos and I am even more astounded how much weight you've lost. You were still gorgeous when you were bigger, but I couldn't have imagined that slinky little small boned girl living inside the old you.
RebekahR said:Enjoy the resting hun, you will be fine!! Mines on the 13th be out of action 6 weeks, should be intresting Xmas won't be able to lift my arms LOL
You've done amazing, you look.stunning hun Xx