Aww bless you and thank you. I would love some support from someone who knows about Lipotrim. I would like to lose 10st in total so a long way to go. Never done Lipotrim before. Do you find it easy? Do you find the weight is hard to manage after refeed? Lockdown has been a nightmare for me, eating wise and I have gained so much weight. I decided to start before lockdown ends so I could get into it and find it harder to give into temptation when I go out with my family and friends. X
I think the first time I did Lipotrim was easiest as I didn’t know what to expect and I had support from the pharmacist.
My advice is to not have any of your favourite foods in the house to avoid temptation and that makes it less stressful, although I appreciate some people have little ones or partners to cook for which is sometimes a challenge. I cook for my husband, but it’s not usually food I would eat so it doesn’t bother me too much.
I did a couple of months of Lipotrim over summer last year and got back down to just over 9st - the refeed week(s) are very important as it’ll stop you gaining any unnecessary weight, which can be disheartening.
I fluctuated a little, but nothing significant until the last few months where I’ve just given in to comfort eating

I’ve really struggled with things. My weight has gone up, I haven’t weighed myself but I can see it and feel it

so I want to do Lipotrim to lose anything I’ve gained for my emotional and physical well-being
I do actually quite enjoy doing Lipotrim, I feel good on the program and doing it in lockdown is less stressful as there are no social events to avoid.
Remember this is only temporary Emma, imagine how you’ll feel at the end!