Thanks sandra Hun
Guess what I made yesterday afternoon...
Homemade granola! it's lush with some fat free onken yogurt,
I made it with diabetic jam instead of honey, i found it in my low gi book. Although nuts can be high in fat, they are goof fats and they recomend about 1 oz everyday of nuts, they are good source of protein and micro nutrients and good for heart desease, and mixed with the oats and some fruit if you want is delicious ..
Have I sold it to ya lol
It's so easy to make, get the stuff for holland and Barrett, mix all in a bowl, add some hot water to some jam, mix well, oven till toasted, leave tool and go crunchy hmmmmmm yum yum
Oh and SU I tried that leaf raspberry tea, it's yummy, wish i'd tryed that before