

is getting better at it
can anyone give me any ideas on what to do with a marrow i have all i can find on here is recipes for stuffed marrow.
im having roast for dinner would i be able to chop it up and cook it in the oven like you do butternut squash
any help would be good
Yes you can I have done that, sprinkled some garlic and herbs on it, sprayed with fry light, was delicious
you're welcome xx
I peel,chop frylite and roast.
Then fry some bacon,onion few tomatoes.

Then add mix onto of marrow in oven dish top with 28 g hex cheese I used cheddar.

Herb spice if wish.
Put in oven for ten mins,it's gorgeous.
This is my sort of topped marrow mix with salad. If you want meat free do mushroom instead of bacon. X


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