Hay Martha, Sorry I have been away for so long, My life just got so busy with work and home. But still on the diet and still on track so happy with that although feel very bloated this week

and Its not TOM. I wish I could click my fingers but hay no fun in that ay lol !!!! I think that Id be happy with anything over 2 and half stone by the wedding which was my first goal. But 3 stone is really what I want to be at with that. So that's 15lb to get rid ov in 4 weeks if that is the case and that's just under 4lb a week. That's a big ask lol so 3lb is 12lb so that could be more achievable

But yes the shoes and dress are pushing me on lol !!!! although I don't want him to waist money on a dress that wont fit for long

Ohhh well we will see ?? Yes that is why I am finding it the best way to offload as I am not comfortable telling them my weight, My own family does not know!!! I hope that it is the weigh as sweating really is something that I hate the most, I feel stupid and uncomfortable at the gym as half the people that go are skinny and walk out full face of makeup lol !!! That will be nice to have your own little home, how are things with the soon to be ex? How are you getting on, its been so longs since I asked and not sure how often you up-date your side info on your weight? Anyway look forward to speaking soon, Hollie xxx