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Yea it's a good deal so il be having that! Lol
Thanks hun. 2 weeks and il be away too excited lol x
Definitely!! Pearly whites here you come! Bet your so excited! Will do you the world of good getting away
Yea it's a good deal so il be having that! Lol
Thanks hun. 2 weeks and il be away too excited lol x
Definitely!! Pearly whites here you come! Bet your so excited! Will do you the world of good getting awayxx
I kno babe I cannot wait! Then back to business when I'm home lol for 6 weeks before I go to Birmingham loool but that's another thing to keep me focused xx
That's the way to think though and you know that you'll be able to come back and get straight into againmmm enjoy all those American treats lol xxx
I shall if I can stomach them lol what do u recommend? Haha x
I love Hershey's cookie and creme and also if you can find Oreo sandwiches.. They do different fillings like peanut butter and mint creme.. I know you can get stuff like that here but they always taste nicer over there, also they do dream squares, which are marshmallow bites... So good!! God knows how many calories I've just typed!!! Xx
Lmao I loooove peanut butter!! Il need to be strict and just have little amounts lol
Lol so do I.. Crunchy all the way!! Used to be addicted to it but never have it nowlol exactly, call it little samples
ha xx
It's funny tho cuz I see loads of these fitfam ppl living on peanut butter as a health food! The meal decisions won't be such an issue with healthy things more all the yummy snacks lol il b coming bk hanging me head in shame lol I'm in the holiday mind set now because I want to eat so bad!! Lol but il defo hold out to the 26th just can't come quick enough and il be more than happy to get bk on plan when I'm bk as il b so sick of rubbish xx
Haha that's probably all they have!! I'm sure your gonna have your game head on out there, it'll be good for you to be faced with those situations though, you'll surprise yourselfhaha hang your head in shame, no way missy!!!! Good for you for hanging on, will make those meals all the more deliciousssss
Haha I know! You feeling better? Xx
Slightlythanks!! Looking forward to getting back to my routine for the week! Really put me off that restaurant that's for sure!! Xx
Lol hopefully you get bk to urself by morning and a great loss for Fridayxxx
Hope so! Was talking to my mum the other day and its weird in the first month/couple of months I was really obsessed with seeing how many pounds I was loosing but now I've lost all motivation for the weight it's more how I look? And I know that's the things which will take timeyou had a sneaky weigh in lately? When you seeing your consultant for your next one? xxx
See her on the 26th so hoping for good things however I can feel TOTM making an appearance and its due soon for sure. The scales may not love me as much if that's the case lol but as long as I'm in the 16s when I go il be happy. But need to accept I most likely won't be when I'm back lol so il just take what I get and be happy with it. Il maybe jump on the scales in the morning and let you all know.
It's easy to lose motivation. I'm the opposite I'm obsessed with the numbers and I constantly work out things with losses and how long it will take etc but I need to just be happy that I'm sticking to the plan because I can't do anymore than 100% so I shouldn't be mad if the scales don't catch up a certain week. We are all diff I know! I'm just looking forward to get bk on plan and know it will be 3 weigh ins from I get bk before I'm away again because I weigh fortnightly lol I think it's more about not having anything in the way so you can focus. But then if I didn't have things planned and to look forward to I wonder would I be so focused on being 100%.
I'm sure you'll be pleasantly surprisedit all balances itself in the end I'm sure! It's good your head strong though, makes all this a little easier maybe? But definitely agree with not being able to do more than 100%
Hello ladies! I'm new to the Cambridge diet and have spent the last few hours reading through your posts. I started yesterday and am finding it ok but reading your posts and seeing how well you've all done is really helping me to stay focused. I've three stones to lose and after messing about with ww and sw really needed to try something new as I wasn't getting the results I wanted. And got bored with the plans really easily. I hope I can stick with the diet like you guys have. Struggled through Father's Day with the family today and was the butt of all the jokes about being on thi "crazy diet" however I stayed strong and am feeling positive!!!! Hope you don't mind me jumping into your conversation! My names Lynsey by the way!
Yea I guess it makes it easier but I defo think if I didn't have you guys to keep me focused I'd have had a little nibble here and there. I won't even allow myself an ss+ day lol but I really don't have long to wait lol I think this past 3 days have been the hardest and I start week 15 tmz lol and I know it's because my holiday is so close now. I've a fairly busy week tho so hopefully it will fly in and I plan to eat on Saturday to come out of ketosis for drinks in the evening. But it will be a jacket potato or an open sandwich and that's it nothing unnecessary. Just hope it's enough to take me out defo don't wanna black out or anything lol just kinda sucks if I'm out and have to get bk in when I'm off plan prob from Thursday because il have products on the weds and have salad for tea that night. Lol seems like a waste of time but I'm looking at it in more of a way a few days of a still potential loss rather than eating and gaining those days.
Il get there lol xx
Hello ladies! I'm new to the Cambridge diet and have spent the last few hours reading through your posts. I started yesterday and am finding it ok but reading your posts and seeing how well you've all done is really helping me to stay focused. I've three stones to lose and after messing about with ww and sw really needed to try something new as I wasn't getting the results I wanted. And got bored with the plans really easily. I hope I can stick with the diet like you guys have. Struggled through Father's Day with the family today and was the butt of all the jokes about being on thi "crazy diet" however I stayed strong and am feeling positive!!!! Hope you don't mind me jumping into your conversation! My names Lynsey by the way!