Gold Member
Omg your pics you can see such a differnce- sorry for havina nose lol
3 months in America lucky duck.
That text from ur friend was lovely my friends are very supportive and if they werent then there not good friends are they.
So I have a bit of a dilemma this evening, im gettin surgery at the end of the month on my back fell at xmas after one to many drinks in high heels anyway i was speaking in the forum and people were saying you DEFO have to come off the CD before and after surgery i feel like crying because i cant go back and start it all again i dont want to come off it and its not in the time scale i had planned, basically i wanted my weight gone by Septmeber 6 stone off it have 2.5 gone so 4 left....
Dont no what to do.....
Lol thanks hun
1 month in America! I wish it was 3 mind lol
Yea was pleased as punch by her cuteness! Much easier with support than without isn't it?
I see your dilemma hun but I defo think you should take the advice. Your health is important and if you lost blood or failed to heal properly because you wanted to stay on plan then it won't be good in the long run, you can do it again and you will. If your not at goal by sept then you will be very close and it will be better knowing ur doing it right than risking your life.
Trust yourself and trust your determination hun and you will b back on plan in no time and before you know it ul be we week 9 again with no surgery to wait on but just positive things like new clothes feeling good and importantly feeling healthy! don't jeopardise what you have already achieved.
If you need support getting back on plan then they are loads of people on here to encourage you and support you. Me included. The most important thing is to look after you! And that includes on or off plan. It's only temporary and if anything it will increase your strength by focusing on getting back into this when you can and focus on the end goal!
M xx