All up to date.
If any one is missing or wants to be added please let me know and I'll add you to the list.
Those in a different colour, it's because you haven't stated a target yet, again let me know and I'll amend the list.
Please don't post the list or part of it.
I'll note losses throughout the week and post the list on a Friday, this means I should have everyones WI's for a final list and pats on the back, on the 1st of July.
I can't say it any clearer!
Those that WI on a Tue, Wed & Thu all have 5 WI, lucky, the rest of us have only 4.
Master List:
All_About_The_Climb: 6lbs (0lb lost - 6lb to go)
Alycyn1980: 6lbs (0lb lost - 6lb to go)
Arctic-BNG: 8lbs(0lb lost - 8lb to go)
Bhooms: ?lbs (0lb lost - ?lb to go)
Birdmummy: 10lbs (0lbs lost - 10lbs to go)
BlondieSam: 8lbs (0lbs lost - 8lbs to go)
catkin69: 7lbs (0lbs lost - 7lbs to go)
Charlotteg1988: 8lbs (0lb lost - 8lb to go)
cheekylau: 5lbs (0lb lost - 5lb to go)
clairdelunex: 8lb (0lb lost - 8lb to go)
corkscrew: 8lb (0lb lost - 8lb to go)
Dawney68: 14lbs (0lb lost - 14lb to go)
dancinglilly: 8lbs (0lb lost - 8lb to go)
donnajt: 14lbs (0lb lost - 14lb to go)
Ducatibabe: 10lbs (0lb lost - 10lbs to go)
DustQueen: 7.5lbs (0lb lost – 7.5lb to go)
ellemcphersonsuglytwin: 10lbs (0lbs lost - 10lbs to go)
ellierose988: 7lb (0lb lost - 7lb to go)
emma3662: 14lbs (0lb lost - 14lb to go)
fatbgone: 14lbs (0lb lost - 14lb to go)
Fizzy kel: 8lbs (0lbs lost - 8lbs to go)
gleesa: 14lbs (0lb lost - 14lb to go)
Gollywogg: 14lbs (0lb lost - 14lb to go)
holiday dieter: 14lbs (0lb lost - 14lbs to go)
hollygirl1983: ?lbs (0lb lost - ?lb to go)
jennylouise87: 13lbs (0lb lost - 13lb to go)
Jo2982: 6lbs (0lbs lost - 6lbs to go)
JOBUD: 8lbs (0lbs lost - 8lbs to go)
Jodidi: 10lbs (0lb lost - 10lb to go)
kate,mcg: 10lbs (0lb lost - 10lb to go)
KatieBea: 8lbs (0lb lost - 8lb to go)
Kristin: 7.5lbs (0lb lost – 7.5lb to go)
liliferjade: 8lbs (0lb lost - 8lb to go)
lil miss chatterbox: 8lbs (0lb lost - 8lb to go)
lisaloolabelle: 8lb (0lb lost - 8lb to go)
lisajade: 8.5lbs (0lb lost - 8.5lb to go)
LittleFlutterby: 9lbs (0lbs lost – 9lbs to go)
lostkelly: 7lbs (0lb lost - 7lb to go)
louise82: 10lbs (0lbs lost - 10lbs to go)
LouiseMcNamara: 7lbs (0lb lost - 7lb to go)
Lyndawood1958: 10lbs (0 lbs lost - 10lbs to go)
michmick: 5lbs (0lbs lost - 5lbs to go)
Miss_J: 10lbs (0lb lost - 10lb to go)
miss-miffi: 9lbs (0lbs lost - 9lbs to go)
MHAIRIB: 8lbs (0lb lost - 8lb to go)
Pigler: 8lbs (0lbs lost - 8lbs to go)
Punkstar: 10lb (0lb lost - 10lb to go)
QualityBrittany: 10lbs (0lbs lost - 10lbs to go)
rjg123L: 7lbs (0lb lost - 7lb to go)
Ru x: 14lbs (0lbs lost - 14lbs to go)
Sabrina27: 6lb (0lb lost - 6lb to go)
Sarah29704: 11lbs (0lb lost - 11lb to go)
SaskiaPipo: 8lbs (0lbs lost - 8lbs to go)
sherlan: 10lbs (0lb lost - 10lb to go)
Siobhmrk4: 5lbs (0lb lost - 5lb to go)
Sixstoner: 12lbs (0lb lost - 12lb to go)
speckless: 10lbs (0lb lost - 10lb to go)
Splodgey: 10lbs (0lb lost - 10lb to go)
sportylass: 7lbs (0lb lost - 7lb to go)
Suez_c: ?lbs (0lb lost - ?lb to go)
t11cky: 10lbs (0lb lost - 10lb to go)
Tinkerbelle6: 8lbs (0lb lost - 8lb to go)
tinks*: 10lbs (0lbs lost – 10lbs to go)
TobeaSkinnyMe: 10lbs (0lb lost - 10lb to go)
Wannabe-a-minime: 10lbs (0lb lost - 10lb to go)
weegirl: ?lb (0lb lost - ?lb to go)
Wegle: 10lbs (0lb lost - 10lb to go)
YOMO: 10lbs (0lb lost - 10lb to go)
YorkshirePudding88: 10lbs (0lbs lost - 10lbs to go)