I'll note losses throughout the week and post the list on a Friday, this means I should have everyones WI's for a final list and pats on the back, on the 1st of July.
Those that WI on a Tue, Wed & Thu all have 5 WI, lucky, the rest of us have only 4.
Master List:
All_About_The_Climb: 6lbs (0lb lost - 6lb to go)
Alycyn1980: 6lbs (0lb lost - 6lb to go)
Arctic-BNG: 8lbs(0lb lost - 8lb to go)
Bhooms: ?lbs (0lb lost - ?lb to go)
catkin69: 7lbs (0lbs lost - 7lbs to go)
Charlotteg1988: 8lbs (0lb lost - 8lb to go)
cheekylau: 5lbs (0lb lost - 5lb to go)
clairdelunex: 8lb (0lb lost - 8lb to go)
Dawney68: 14lbs (0lb lost - 14lb to go)
dancinglilly: 8lbs (0lb lost - 8lb to go)
donnajt: 14lbs (0lb lost - 14lb to go)
DustQueen: 7.5lbs (0lb lost – 7.5lb to go)
ellierose988: 7lb (0lb lost - 7lb to go)
emma3662: 14lbs (0lb lost - 14lb to go)
fatbgone: 14lbs (0lb lost - 14lb to go)
Fizzy kel: 8lbs (0lbs lost - 8lbs to go)
gleesa: 14lbs (0lb lost - 14lb to go)
Gollywogg: 14lbs (0lb lost - 14lb to go)
hollygirl1983: ?lbs (0lb lost - ?lb to go)
jennylouise87: 13lbs (0lb lost - 13lb to go)
Jodidi: 10lbs (0lb lost - 10lb to go)
kate,mcg: 10lbs (0lb lost - 10lb to go)
KatieBea: 8lbs (0lb lost - 8lb to go)
Kristin: 7.5lbs (0lb lost – 7.5lb to go)
lil miss chatterbox: 8lbs (0lb lost - 8lb to go)
lisaloolabelle: 8lb (0lb lost - 8lb to go)
lisajade: 8.5lbs (0lb lost - 8.5lb to go)
LittleFlutterby: 9lbs (0lbs lost – 9lbs to go)
LouiseMcNamara: 7lbs (0lb lost - 7lb to go)
Lyndawood1958: 10lbs (0 lbs lost - 10lbs to go)
MHAIRIB: 8lbs (0lb lost - 8lb to go)
Pigler: 8lbs (0lbs lost - 8lbs to go)
Punkstar: 10lb (0lb lost - 10lb to go)
QualityBrittany: 10lbs (0lbs lost - 10lbs to go)
rjg123L: 7lbs (0lb lost - 7lb to go)
Sabrina27: 6lb (0lb lost - 6lb to go)
Sarah29704: 11lbs (0lb lost - 11lb to go)
SaskiaPipo: 8lbs (0lbs lost - 8lbs to go)
Siobhmrk4: 5lbs (0lb lost - 5lb to go)
Sixstoner: 12lbs (0lb lost - 12lb to go)
sportylass: 7lbs (0lb lost - 7lb to go)
Suez_c: ?lbs (0lb lost - ?lb to go)
t11cky: 10lbs (0lb lost - 10lb to go)
Tinkerbelle6: 8lbs (0lb lost - 8lb to go)
tinks*: 10lbs (0lbs lost – 10lbs to go)
TobeaSkinnyMe: 10lbs (0lb lost - 10lb to go)
weegirl: ?lb (0lb lost - ?lb to go)
Wegle: 10lbs (0lb lost - 10lb to go)