I dont think there are any other blokes Quins but dont let that put u off lol
Thanks Texty, I have previously been asked what dress size I'm down too, recently been referred to as a May Queen ( as I have same Bday,1 st May as another poster) and that because of my running and cycling I must have legs like Wonder Woman.... I creased up as did my Mrs.
Hi Texty I would like to join, 5lbs please. Any other blokes in?
Welcome aboard everyone - Donna I have lots going on this month too so 8lbs for me is probably stretching it a bit lol.
Ive added PrincessPink,Beck70 and mrstore to the list - Good Luck all x
angelajane 7lbs (0lbs lost 7lbs to go)
Beck70 6lbs (0lbs lost 6lbs to go)
ceebeee 4lbs (0lbs lost 4lbs to go)
Constantly dizzy 8lbs (0lbs lost 8lbs to go)
Danni86 7lbs (0lbs lost 7lbs to go)
Donna88 2lbs (0lbs lost 2lbs to go)
Flabtofit 7lbs (0lbs lost 7lbs to go)
HelzBelz 7lbs (0lbs lost 7lbs to go)
Holiday Dieter 8lbs (0lbs lost 8lbs to go)
Jadeyxx 10lbs (0lbs lost 10lbs to go)
Jodieboo 4lbs (0lbs lost 4lbs to go)
Kaz3804 7lbs (0lbs lost 7lbs to go)
mrstore 5lbs (0lbs lost 5lbs to go)
MrsWilsoncroft 5lbs (0lbs lost 5lbs to go)
Nettie 8lbs (0lbs lost 8lbs to go)
Pixie-Gem 8lbs (0lbs lost 8lbs to go)
PrincessPink- x 8lbs (0lbs lost 8lbs to go)
Quins 5lbs (0lbs lost 5lbs to go)
Stickivix 6lbs (0lbs lost 6lbs to go)
Texty_F 8lbs (0lbs lost 8lbs to go)
thumbelloulou 4lbs (0lbs lost 4lbs to go)
Can someone lovely add me please 4lb thank you xx
Hello hello! Only just been able to find this...... Can I join please?? There's 5 weigh ins for me in May so I'd be happy with a pound a week off, so 5lbs. Could someone add me please??? Cheers xxxx
We have the same amount to lose Hun let's hope we can both do it xxx
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We can!!!! xx