McG and her 2019 adventure!

Its been 2 months since I restarted my journey. I am 8lbs down, I have started running again and I'm drinking less. All in all these past 2 months have been a success.

I was up early to run this morning, and will try and be fairly active today. I would also like to get another run in tomorrow but will see how I feel.
Hi McG. I'm restarting too. In my second week.
I look forward to keeping you company!
Great diary! Thanks for sharing :classic_smile: Congrats on your progress! :classic_big_grin:
The hot weather really gets to me. I haven't done any workout and feel really bad about it. But I just cannot motivate myself. I've been to be pool but there are so many people that there is no room for a good swim. To my benefit, I also eat less on hot days, so I tell myself that is it ok to be a bit lazy :classic_wink: Since I track my calories with Yazio ( I have quite a good overview on whether I'm in the "red zone".

I read that you also use an app to keep track. How are your experiences so far? To what extend does it help you along the way? Have you tried different apps or just this one? Would like to hear your thoughts :classic_smile:
I use myfitnesspal for tracking and fitbit for everything else, I find it really helpful although sticking to my calories on the weekends can be a challenge.

I went for my first run in over a week this morning, it felt so nice to be back outside even if it's still humid! Planning on getting out again tomorrow.

Half a pound lost this week which I'm perfectly happy with!
Another day another run! My friend and I have committed to do a 5k at the end of August so training has commenced. I'm also rejoicing the gym to keep me motivated when it's too hot outside.

Food needs work again. I'm not cooking from scratch enough, but my diet isn't completely awful.

Let's see how this week goes!
I signed up to a 5 day free trial at my local gym. Scoped the place out today, I'm unsure at the moment. It's got so many children running around it.

I'm going for a proper workout tomorrow and will see how I feel.
Hope it goes ok. That's the problem with school holidays 🙄 kids all over the place . Just rejoice in the fact that in 6 weeks it will be quieter.

Maybe they do adult only sessions?

Just make sure you get the most out of the next 4 days /flex
Thank you! I think it's because I've previously been at gyms and not leisure centres, so never had to deal with children! The gym it's self absolutely fine, it's 2 mins from home and I could get a swim in too if I wanted to. I'm going to go back tomorrow, Thursday and Saturday see how it goes and then decide I think!
August is gonna be my month! This morning I achieved a goal. 20 mins of running. I feel confident I could soon manage a 5k.

We are going out for Japanese food this afternoon to celebrate our up coming adventure, I feel I have earnt it.

Food could be better I won't lie, but getting moving is my motivation at the moment. I don't really snack, I don't eat chocolate or crisps but could certainly make better choices. I will work on that slowly. Fitness is my focus right now
Still here and working away. Not lost anything in ages, but I ran 5k yesterday woooo! I'm hitting my fitness goals and I know the weight will follow.

My 5k race is in 2 weeks. I'm going to start working on 10k in the hope it will help increase my speed.
Hi Meg. That's impressive!
Yesterday was a total cheat day. (Although only ate one meal so it could have been worse!)

Back on plan today. Going to attempt a frittata for brunch which i can have for breakfast for the next few days. I'm also planning a roast as it's been ages since we had one.

I will also prep taco salad for lunches. I need to meal plan the rest of the week.

I might do some weights today it's been ages since I've done any strength training.

I'm aiming for a 2lb loss this week, so need to be strict on calories, no booze (which i am very good at now) and 4 x work outs.

I have 110 days to lose as much as possible!
Congratulations for getting into the 14s!
Thanks guys! Today I feel ill, luckily when I feel ill I don't turn to comfort food so I've managed to stick to my plan. A colleague bought in cookies and instead I had a low fat vanilla yogurt to imitate a sweet fix.

Didn't run because I feel hot/cold/tired/sniffly hopefully I'm better tomorrow.

Frittata for breakfast
Burrito for lunch
Yogurt snack
Jacket potato and cheese for dinner

On the job hunt half heartedly right now too. I feel like I can't progress in my current role and I need to take a qualification to really progress but I'm so tired that i can't at the moment. If I take a step back accept a less intense role I could manage to study too. I'll see if I have any luck.
Its been a while since I last updated! So much has happened. Split with ex so now living alone. Lockdown obviously. Which I bloody love.

I have managed to lose more weight so really focusing on it now that I have no distractions. Will start checking in more regularly again