Mcv. Claire's weight loss journey with slimfast.

I just wanted to say thank you housecat your post has pulled me back in line, I thought a little while after reading your post that the only thing that stops me from having a good loss every week is myself, when I am in the 'zone' I do very well, and there are others that I know who struggle each week to loose weight due to medical conditions and persevere and carry on every day/week/month with pure determination.
For me this has put a few things back into perspective the only reason I am stuck at the moment is ME and I should stop making excuses like the kids are off school, I'm too busy at the moment etc and knuckle down and get on with it!
So thank you xx
Aww that's so nice of you to say :) To be honest the school holidays combined with Easter haven't helped have they! On top of that it's my sons birthday this week with a huge chocolate cake to make and a family meal! lol It's definitely not easy!
I am another pound down today so pleased (coming off very slowly!)
Ideally I would like to lose another two and a half stone or more so a long way to go but now the weight is shifting I'm more determined :)