Gold Member
Are you two ladies alive? Xx
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franbella21 said:Aw katie that sucks but yiu were so strong u should be so peoud of yourself!! Im alive after my chicken shish n salad no bread lol.holly double veg soup?
franbella21 said:No i was sick afterwards(( ate some chips aswell this is what i mean by when i start eatimg its a downward spiral.omfg maggotts id hide in the house lol.wooh bikinis!! u looked lovely in that pic earlier.
franbella21 said:No just felt sickwouldnt go down that so cross with myself i really am.just cant wait to drown in water tom.glad the maggotts have gone lol! Gosh ure blessed on the boob front! Jealous!.even when im in ketosis i still feel hungry i dont seem to get the magic effect it gives some people lol x
franbella21 said:That sounds really good i need some idea of what to eat when i go o my hen weekend in two weeks.mght look into swbet your looking forward hun.
franbella21 said:Ooooh interesting il have to read bout thiswhere for art thou holly??
franbella21 said:Lol probably.its 2 weeks tom 3rd aug
Had chat with my cdc about today she said to just enjoy it accept that as il be drinking alot i am goin to put on weight but most of it will be water goin to see her straight away to just face it and get bak on it.
franbella21 said:Oooh like cocodamol? I hope soim iff to bed my lovely sleep well u too holly x x