Meal times


Gold Member
How do u guys all work out what times u have your packs??

Seems like a silly question haha....but im yet to find a "good" routine. Its only day 2 so plenty time....but just wondered how u space them out?

Yesterday i hng off til 12 to have my first one, had my second one at half 3 and last one at half 7...and fnny cos i was fine all day bt starving at night! Hopefully ketosis kicks in wed or thurs and it wont be an issue lol x
Dear Babystar,

I think I will follow your lead, it is 10.00 am and I am not hungry, so I think I will leave my first shake until lunchtime and just try and down as much water as I can!! Tasha x
i split my shakes to make each one last 3 to 4 hot drinks so i can have up to 12 hot drinks a day from them! this also ups my water intake ;)
so i drink them from the moment i wake up to the moment i go to bed :)
I think until i am in ketosis the later the better, i remember when previously on CD i had to force myself to eat them as just wasnt hungry. I may split them also i didnt do that before, its just the first few days, good luck on day 2 x x
Thanks everyone! Think today i will have my first 2 at the same times as yesterday and maybe use my last pack to get 3 hot drinks to get thru tonight! x
I have my 1st pack at 6.30, my 2nd at 12.30 and my 3rd at 5.30/6.00. I tend to be in bed before 10 and up at 5.30 so those times suit me perfectly.
10am-ish, 2pm-ish, 6pm-ish :)
Yep I agree to have one as late as possible depending on when you usually go to bed, i for one find it really hard to sleep when I'm starving.
i'm sorry to burst bubbles but i still feel hungry in ketosis it onyl takes me 1.5 days to get into ketosis, but i have mine when i am hungry. Then I try and have a pint of water before a shake, then if im still hungry 20 mins after the water i have a pack. its usually 12 - 3.30 - 6.30. It seems with me that once i start having packs i get hungry lol and i always have my bar first thing, as i find it makes me hungry when i am at my busiest time of the day, so i tend to ignore it and carry on, rather thasn having my bar at lunch then feeling hungry even after i have had my evening pack :)
Today's my first day on exante, but i've done lighter life before.
I don't tend to feel hungry when i wake up so I just have lots of black coffee and have my first shake at 12pm! I then have half my bar at 3pm. A soup for dinner at 6pm, then the second half of my bar at 8/9pm as a snack whilst watching TV as that's when i'm always tempted!
I leave it as late as poss to have my first pack. I'm not hungry until I start "eating" :rolleyes: so if I have them too early the evenings are hell on earth

i have found it better having first one around 1pm then 5-6pm then 9pm plus loads of water, coke zero plus cup of boullion in morn and one on night x