Meet Up Arranged:)

ive looked at trains and theres one straight through going but would have to do a change coming back works out about £30 depending on return times.
Ah right thank you....OH is going to drive me there then go and meet his friends that live that way so he'll need to book the day off work xxx
Ha honestly it was amazing. We went to Alton Towers two days running, got a row boat on a lake somewhere (I remember getting soaked!) and i think we went on a cable car somewhere? We stayed in a place called the international hotel and our waiter was terrifying.

Ok so that doesn't sound exciting but my family and friends we went with still say best holiday in UK ever. I'm seeing the people we went with tomorrow and I know that holiday will be the first thing that comes up!

Don't get me wrong its not that bad a place! I have the usual problem that you don't see what on you're own doorstep... Glad you had fun though, most people just think what a dump, but like everywhere there are some lovely areas...x
Very quick update as i'm off out soon, Leeds is 16th March @ 12:30 meeting at the railway station, i did wonder how we'll recognise each other, but my avatar is a recent on(on the slide in Florida!!!!)
A few of us could exchange mobile numbers in private of course lol Ive asked MrsW if she would like to come and shes up for it too :D I know we havnt got there yet but is there any idea of a time we would be leaving so that train tickets can be booked?
ive been poked in this general direction :) I'm up for it

can wear my I <3 SW tshirt if thats any good? haha