O-M-G.. my legs hurt.. there was no ferry.. nothing at all.. in it for the whole or nothing.. had to walk the full 13.5m!!

that's a half marathon distance!! Really could kick myself in my fat backside if I could reach - my poor poor feet!

have a couple of nice and huge blisters on my feet!

walking barefoot at home is fine, wearing shoes is outchyoutch..
OH said we can't (he doesn't want to) turn around and walk back as he thinks that's too boring.. so we kept on walking.. and walking.... and walking.. we were both fed up and tired and in pain after roughly half way, but still he wouldn't turn around so we kept on walking... so painful..
Have to say that now after we've been and after a good night sleep (god, felt asleep even before my head hit the pillow..

exercise is really not for me!) - it is nice to look back and say 'yupp, did that'

but I won't say that it was anything near easy - steep hills, muddy stretches and muscles which are not used to walk that much.. not too sure if I will walk around a lake anytime again soon, as you just can't really shortcut across it

and not knowing how far you've been and how much there is still in front of you is quite depressing really.. but at least it was sunny (and I got plenty more freckles since yesterday

) and quite nice temperature really, not too hot and not too cold.. prefect day I have to say - but next time, I will def make sure that there is a ferry or something like that BEFORE we walk off..
hahaha !!!! Grand national day ah!!!
Hope you backed a winner!
*sniffs* I wish.. didn't win anything
It's not that I am a gambler really but I just play the grand national once a year. We have a sweepstake at work each year so that always reminds me of getting my own proper bets on the horses.. OH won £150 two years ago, think that made me want to gamble a bit more
Off to see some friends now, have to put the tent up in their garden and get all their praise for it

OH's family wasn't really into it when we got it up in their garden first time last weekend.. so a bit more excitement this afternoon hopefully
Eating: hmm, wasn't too bad yesterday, had a huge bowl of musli with fruits and skimmed milk (which already came up to a whooping 10pts), 1 banana and 2 kellogg's musli bars before the walk, and a huuuuuuge curry with rice, poppadoms and sour creme in the eve after the walk - so it wasn't too bad, esp as that was homemade so prob 1/12 of the oil a proper indian would've used but I was too exhausted to count points..
But think the walk should've made up for that!
Will not be doing any exercise today, don't wanna overdo it really, so there will only be one more jog before I fly home, not sure if monday or tuesday, will see how I feel tomorrow
Hope you all have a good weekend!!