*grabs a mob and cleans the fred up*
please post Emma!!

(and Kally: you can't just blame Rach, you were the one inspiring her mind

Weekend alone was fab (is it ok to say that?? do I have to feel bad about this now???

Friday was a great work do - no pimms but some kind of rum-fruit-summer drink - just as well

we even managed to get on the last train, so saved some dosh on the cab - gonna spend that in the shops on tuesday though

They had a glitter box at the party, it even has a fan inside - unbelievable how nice those pictures turn out - b/w and really really flattering.. have to scan some and put them on FB, not that I am vain but have to take advantage of a good picture, don't I?

There also was a girl who did henna tattoos and face paint - so me and the girls from work all got one

it looked fab, all black and really delicate, with some colour and glitter on it - now we're 'only' left with the brownish part of the henna, but i still like that a lot! have to find a place who would do that - I might get used to having one - love the fact that it won't stay for too long so you can change the pattern and where you have it without the commitment of a lifetime.. shame that you can only have it in that brownie tone though..
spend the whole of saturday either in bed or on the couch watching SATC - Carry looks so much better in the earlier season than in the latest film - guess you can take the being-skinny a bit too far (does no-one tell them?!?)
Went out to see friends for a bbq, which happend in the kitchen - managed to sit outside in the sunshine for 5min before the rain came down again - felt a bit like musical chairs with a plate of food in my hands.. but enjoyed it still! had some lovely salads, olives with feta, tomato mozzarella, chiabatta.. yummyumm
So back at work today but off tomorrow for OH's return

Can't wait to have him back..