
I'm struggling a little with Mfp.
I want to start using it to track calories, as well as still using my value diary app for points.
I get the concept of it - Im just wondering how accurate it is - food wise an except use wise??
Is anyone else using it successfully?
I use it and my journal and I find my fitness pal really accurate. I do double check things though just to be sure I choose the nearest one in cals. Its a bit confusing though as ww doesnt point fruit and veg yet on my fitness pal if I have these it adds on cals so I tend to not be fazed if it looks like ive had a lot of cals. x
I use it everyday and love it, it's pretty accurate 99% of the time but sometimes it is worth double checking as a few things are a little out. But I love it xox
I use it along with the WW app. A lot of my friends who are not doing WW use it and to be honest, I like charts :D

I generally find the information to be very accurate and it has the best UK food database of the online sites. I've even used it to work out the pp for some restaurants if their dishes aren't in the eating out guide.