No matter what, carry on!
This talk of high protein diets causing new cell production and therefore needing rest to repair,can you please post the evidence? I have searched google scholar but am struggling here....I can find plenty about the crucial role of protein for cell growth and maintainence, and issues concerning deficiency but this need for rest and repair? The only problem I have found in the research is a risk to the kidneys for those with chronic kidney disease which must be evaluated against the risks of obesity by a clinician. Otherwise such protein diets are a perfectly healthy way to lose significant fat, especially with Dukans stages which lead to a very balanced diet (although I do not approve of the carb reintroduction though dukan allows only smallish amounts). Even the cruise stage provides more vital vitamins and minerals than many 'ordinary' diets of sandwiches, pizza, chips, burgers, chocolates etc . Not trying to be difficult here, but I would like to see the evidence is all!
Excellent point!