Well I've had a nice day today - saw my dad who looks wonderfully well - then popped into the garden centre on my way home - drinks with cousin postponed til Saturday - so came home cooked a yummy dinner - fussed the animals (mine & the neighbours) watched a bit of telly - now having a nice pampering session in the bath ready for some restfull sleep (well one can hope).
Today's menu
B/L flying start @ Morrisons minus the fried bread
D) chicken breast stuffed with boursion and red pepper - and all my leftover veg & herbs in the fridge chopped & stir fried with leftover pesto (used celery, spring onion, courgette, green beans, cherry toms, spinach, lemon thyme - made enough for 4 of us and loads left for pack up tomorrow) was rather delish, will have it with tuna & cheese for lunch tomorrow.
Nite nite xx
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