OK very quick post as hubby nipped to B&Q and he'll be a moaning if he gets back and I'm still sat here.....
Men they just don't understand to they......LOL
Well I'm pleased to report that the scales although not gone down haven't gone up either....
I have a killer headache and am not starving so I'm hoping that this is a sign that ketosis is not far away......
I was quite proud of myself that when I got home last night I 'fessed up and didn't dive into the big bar of dairy milk that is open and in a draw....
I came on here, had some water, coloured another picture.....
and went into the Arcade for a few games.....
Today I am back on the packs.....and determined....I have just been trying to explain to my mum my problems with food cos she said....it's a shame you can't loose the weight using conventional food....and then reminded me of my determination when I started way back when and how I said I wasn't ever ever going to put the weight back on
I know she means well but it doesn't help.....she just doesn't understand....a slim 10stone size 12 I don't think she ever will.....
The mad thing about last night was before we left I put my clothes on and felt crap as they were all tight and I was ashamed to go cos I thought my family would be thinking look at the state of her....
yet I got there and still I ate?!! Didn't help that my dad said....'no diets tonight'!!! He's the one who has over the years shook his head in utter despair at my weight gain.....
Anyway, not gonna dwell on things....today IS a new day....I AM back on track and I WILL get to my goal weight in 2007
I have to take the boys to get the trainers I didn't get them yesterday and do a food shop - the cupboards are bare apart from chocolate....oh and I must finish that personal statement.....yeah I know, I know....LOL!!!!!
I will be back later on but can I just thank you all for your support.....it really does help to know people understand where I'm coming from.....
Have a good day and lots of love to all
Well I'm pleased to report that the scales although not gone down haven't gone up either....
I was quite proud of myself that when I got home last night I 'fessed up and didn't dive into the big bar of dairy milk that is open and in a draw....
Today I am back on the packs.....and determined....I have just been trying to explain to my mum my problems with food cos she said....it's a shame you can't loose the weight using conventional food....and then reminded me of my determination when I started way back when and how I said I wasn't ever ever going to put the weight back on
The mad thing about last night was before we left I put my clothes on and felt crap as they were all tight and I was ashamed to go cos I thought my family would be thinking look at the state of her....
Anyway, not gonna dwell on things....today IS a new day....I AM back on track and I WILL get to my goal weight in 2007
I have to take the boys to get the trainers I didn't get them yesterday and do a food shop - the cupboards are bare apart from chocolate....oh and I must finish that personal statement.....yeah I know, I know....LOL!!!!!
I will be back later on but can I just thank you all for your support.....it really does help to know people understand where I'm coming from.....
Have a good day and lots of love to all