Mini Diary.... 12 pounds to go!

Hours of perfection....43.5

Hours to next weigh in 24.5 ooooh please show a loss please show a loss...

pee'd on another stick (sorry tmi) and I'm def in ketosis!

just as well as I'm rediculously behind with my water, so at least the flavourings will help. still need to drink about 2.5 litres...

Also had a marigold drink!

My blood pressure was ok too thankfully

hours of perfection....47.25

hours to next weigh in....20.75

Hmmm been thinking a lot.

Suddenly I am starting to 'see' myself in the mirror properly. I think its a lot to do with my new haircut. Got it done a few weeks ago and then got it a bit shorter again. I think its tricked my brain into looking at me without just seeing the 'old' me. Also perhaps the compliments and also just plain sick and tired of the diet....

Anyway my point is...I actually look ok! Yeah when I am naked perhaps not so good but thats never going to be remedied without surgery anyway. But realistically I DO look normal. Normal perhaps isn't the best word but its the easiest way to explain it. I think now I blend in with the world in a way I never felt I used to..... more my perception of course than what was actually true.

Anyway long winded way of getting around to saying I want to bring my target forward. I chose 8 st 7 because it was a good chunk into the healthy bmi and my doctor suggested that would be probably a good number. She also said not to get hung up on it and be proud of what I have already achieved and I think I have been hung up. I still want to be within the healthy range, but years ago at scottish slimmers my target was 8st 12. I think I will reschedule my target for that.

I can always move my target again if I feel its not enough once I get there. At this moment for some reason 8st 7 just seems unachievable and I've come to the decision its partly because I just don't want it!

At the end of the day what difference is 5 pounds going to make? none at all. my bmi at 8 st 12 will be approx 24 and a bit. and still 4 pounds under bmi 25.

I'm going to do it!

just a quickie!

hours of perfection....66.5 yippee!:)

hours to weigh in..... 1.5.......:eek:

I'm back (was only able to drop in this week)

I've lost about a pound and a half, so I'm going to count it as 2! Hopefully next week will be a good week, as I will hopefully have got rid of my cold. I always seem to hold when I am ill!

hours of perfection.... 69.5

hours to next weigh in (dropping in on mon)...95.5

well here we go for another week then! I feel much better in the knowledge I only have half a stone to go, even though its because I altered my target.

I'm really excited now!

hours of perfection... 80.5!

hours to drop in weigh...84.5...

just a quickie, getting ready to face the day! my xcales aren't dropping yet, but I'm really hopeful....once my cold goes for a good drop! hurry up cold...leave me!

hours of perfection.... 96.5 !!!

hours to drop in weigh....68.5!

I am just making some chilli crisps to take to bed, going to read or watch a dvd for half an hour.

Had a fun evening dying my friends hair!

good morning!

hours of perfection....108!!

hours to drop in weigh...57!

I can't believe I made it to over 100 hours rofl long may it continue!

Today I am going to be visiting a friend who lives a bit away so I am going to struggle a bit with water I think, will be in the car 90 mins there and 90 mins back....

But I'm determined not to struggle with anything else!

Hope everybody has a nice day!

Today wasn't bad, but I didn't get all my water, managed about 3 litres.

Had a lovely day with friend though!

hours of perfection...121!

hours to drop in....45...

Night all

Woo-hooo I'm so excited!! My scales dropped 2 pounds this morning... I know they could go up again tomorrow, but I don't let it get me down lol. If it stays that means only 5 to go and 1 pound till I'm healthy! Won't change anything officially until my drop in weigh tomorrow!

Going to visit my family today, which is another day with lots of driving but I'm not leaving till lunchtime so I'm going to try and drink lots before I go. only had 3/4 litre so far, so need to keep glugging!

hours of perfection...132.5

hours to weigh in...31.5

Hi Mags !:wavey:

Seems like you have been having a good week ! So pleased for you and knew you could do it !:)

Hope the weigh in gives you the numbers you want but even if it doesn't you should be really proud of yourself.

I have heard similar stories about people dropping out of LL management etc and they end up having to go back on the programme. I know in Foundation they push it down our throats that we will need management and at the time it sounds like they are after your money but I have known so many who think they can go it alone and then fail.:( It isn't worth it is it ?

I am trying to think ahead now and am starting to take an interest in GI/GL recipes etc as I think that thi swill be a good way forward. What are you planning ?
Hello welcome back! I did have a blip but back on track! How was your holiday? Hope you had a great time.

I'm going to look at the low gi route and see if I can manage that. My main reason being its the diet recommended for diabetics, and although I have significantly reduced my risk of becoming diabetic by losing the weight, I'm still more at risk than most people are. So I'm thinking if I can follow that sort of plan at least I will be well sorted for controlling my diabetes if it should happen. I also have Gillian Mckeiths book and I am going to try and incorporate some of her ideas as she looks at complete health not just weight management.

I have a lot of spare packs at the moment, so I am going to start and order just shakes and bars, and use up my soups. For a while after management I think I will still use a shake or a bar as a quick breakfast until they are all used up. At least then I will know I only need to find 75% of the rest of my nutrients for the day. This will mean at least they won't be wasted. I'm not brave enough to sell them on ebay, and I don't want to keep them in case I need to lose weight again. reason 1 is they have a use by date and I don't want them to go off, reason 2 I don't want to ever have to do this again and I'm determined not too! ROFL

hours of perfection....152.5 (hoping to make above 200 now!)

hours to weigh and go...13! (hoping I've lost something/anything)

I've now had a cough and a snuffly nose for 10 days, its not fair! I'm not properly ill but its really annoying!

Hope you all have a great day!

Hello welcome back! I did have a blip but back on track! How was your holiday? Hope you had a great time.

Yes It was great, when we talked about it today we realised that it wasn't very relaxing because we didn't stop going out and doing things and seeing places but it seems such a waste not to ! And then fitting a swim in each day of course :)

I'm going to look at the low gi route and see if I can manage that. My main reason being its the diet recommended for diabetics, and although I have significantly reduced my risk of becoming diabetic by losing the weight, I'm still more at risk than most people are. So I'm thinking if I can follow that sort of plan at least I will be well sorted for controlling my diabetes if it should happen. I also have Gillian Mckeiths book and I am going to try and incorporate some of her ideas as she looks at complete health not just weight management.

Yes that's my main reason for that route too. I am off my diabetic tablets and I don't want to have to go back on them if possible. My GP thinks I won't have to so fingers crossed and maybe with GI/GL I can manage it !

I have a lot of spare packs at the moment, so I am going to start and order just shakes and bars, and use up my soups. For a while after management I think I will still use a shake or a bar as a quick breakfast until they are all used up. At least then I will know I only need to find 75% of the rest of my nutrients for the day. This will mean at least they won't be wasted. I'm not brave enough to sell them on ebay, and I don't want to keep them in case I need to lose weight again. reason 1 is they have a use by date and I don't want them to go off, reason 2 I don't want to ever have to do this again and I'm determined not too! ROFL


I am having that dilemma too. I wonder how much foodpack stuff to hold on to, it feels like a safety net and I can't imagine being without them ! I can't imagine eating. I can't think how I will cope when I am not in ketosis and feeling hunger ! :eek:

I SO don't want to waste all this effort:cry:

I am sure its just the colly-wobbles. We have got this far and are sensible women who have learnt a lot arent' we ?:)
Glad you had a nice holiday, it does seem obligatory to fill your time, maybe a little time doing nothing should always be allowed!

Hope your diabetes stays under control and you never need the pills again!

You're right about the packs its the colly wobbles lol!

I'm not hanging on to mine I am going to use it up for sure!

I have a drop in tonight wish me luck!

hours of perfection...163.5

hours to the weigh in...1.5...

Well.... I've lost a pound! Had hoped for more, but maybe it'll show better on Thursday, I think I'm still holding water.

Anyway I'm 9 st 4, which is the lightest I have been in my adult life! Off to update my ticker.

Hours of perfection...165.5

hours to next weigh in....75!

Oh the excitement and still 2 packs to slurp!

I'm just so excited at the moment! I'm sure its just because I know its only a matter of a week or 2 more!

This morning my scales say 8 st 11 !!! Usually I weigh 4 pounds heavier on LL scales in the evening so that would be 9 st 2. If I could be 9st 2 on Thursday at my weigh in I'll be officially healthy!

so excited!

hours of perfection....176.5 (can I make it to 200??rofl)

hours to weigh in...59.5

Have a nice day everybody!

I'm just so excited at the moment! I'm sure its just because I know its only a matter of a week or 2 more!

This morning my scales say 8 st 11 !!! Usually I weigh 4 pounds heavier on LL scales in the evening so that would be 9 st 2. If I could be 9st 2 on Thursday at my weigh in I'll be officially healthy!

so excited!

hours of perfection....176.5 (can I make it to 200??rofl)

hours to weigh in...59.5

Have a nice day everybody!


I thought 9st 4 was :wow: enough but your extra news is great ! You must be so flipping delighted :) :) :)

It's SO close now Mags, you can do it !!!

I got into such a dither about eating food again yesterday ,even though its a few weeks off, that I emailed my counsellor and she rang last night and we had a good chat about it so I feel a bit calmer today :)
Thats great your counsellor is supportive, its sad but from what I've seen on here its not always the case. Mine is great too!

Anyway I shouldn't get too exctited as I only really go by my official weigh ins!
