Hello welcome back! I did have a blip but back on track! How was your holiday? Hope you had a great time.
Yes It was great, when we talked about it today we realised that it wasn't very relaxing because we didn't stop going out and doing things and seeing places but it seems such a waste not to ! And then fitting a swim in each day of course
I'm going to look at the low gi route and see if I can manage that. My main reason being its the diet recommended for diabetics, and although I have significantly reduced my risk of becoming diabetic by losing the weight, I'm still more at risk than most people are. So I'm thinking if I can follow that sort of plan at least I will be well sorted for controlling my diabetes if it should happen. I also have Gillian Mckeiths book and I am going to try and incorporate some of her ideas as she looks at complete health not just weight management.
Yes that's my main reason for that route too. I am off my diabetic tablets and I don't want to have to go back on them if possible. My GP thinks I won't have to so fingers crossed and maybe with GI/GL I can manage it !
I have a lot of spare packs at the moment, so I am going to start and order just shakes and bars, and use up my soups. For a while after management I think I will still use a shake or a bar as a quick breakfast until they are all used up. At least then I will know I only need to find 75% of the rest of my nutrients for the day. This will mean at least they won't be wasted. I'm not brave enough to sell them on ebay, and I don't want to keep them in case I need to lose weight again. reason 1 is they have a use by date and I don't want them to go off, reason 2 I don't want to ever have to do this again and I'm determined not too! ROFL